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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4726

Chapter 4726

The head demon warrior's figure trembled as he scrambled to answer the White Tiger King.

"Your Highness! They call themselves sect-less gods. They trespassed a forbidden territory by accident, and I happened to come across them. I brought them here almost immediately."


The White Tiger King's expression darkened as he replied coldly, "Well, just throw them in the dungeon, then."

His tone was firm, not allowing any room for retaliation.

It was important to note that there was a huge secret hidden in the forbidden territory that no one, not even these two sect-less gods, could know of. Therefore, it was best to kill anyone that had even the slightest possibility of knowing anything.

"Got it!"

At the order, the demon warrior called out in acknowledgment before he waved over his subordinates to haul both Darryl and Cloud Spirit Spirit out to be sentenced.


Cloud Spirit's figure trembled in rage as she could hardly contain her anger.

The White Tiger King was not being fair at all! Why were they still to be prosecuted if they had made it clear that they had come across the forbidden territory by accident?

No way.

She could not just give in to her fate like that.

Cloud Spirit moved to retaliate with her magical energy. It did not matter whether they knew who she was, not in a case of life and death.

At the very last moment, Darry exclaimed, "Please calm down, Your

Highness. Wise men mind their own business. We stumbled across these grounds by pure accident, and we have no intention of bringing upon any offense. Don't you think it’s a little harsh to execute us for that?"

Darryl turned to face the White Tiger King with a smoldering stare as he spoke.

Those words would not seem special to anyone else, but they made the White Tiger King's chest thud in shock.

The first line Darryl had said, 'Wise men mind their own business', bore a special meaning to the White Tiger King.

When the Fiend race was at war with the Godly Region, the White Tiger King had sought Darryl's help in fear of the demon tribe being swept into the battle. Darryl mentioned those words then, implying that the White Tiger King took the demon tribe away from the battle and focus on themselves.

Those words had stuck to the White Tiger King very closely.


The White Tiger King stared closely at Darryl, his chest thumping in shock.


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