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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4728

Chapter 4728

Cloud Spirit's figure trembled as her face flushed red and her chest thudded with humiliation.

'This old geezer... What an imbecile! Taking advantage of a moment of weakness and calling me his pupil?'

Amidst her rage, Cloud Spirit still did not dare to show any of it. She walked forward, bowing to the White Tiger King.

"At your service, Your Highness." "Ah, so it was just a misunderstanding."

Even though the White Tiger King did not understand what was going on, he still waved his hands with a smile. "Well, that's alright then."

Upon saying so, he instructed the demon warriors to halt and retreat.


A weight seemed to lift off Cloud Spirit's shoulders. She also shot a glare in Darryl's direction.

'How dare you humiliate me like this, Barely Immortal? I'm going to let you have it once I return to the Jade Fairyland.'

What Cloud Spirit did not know then was that Darryl was far from done.

’Glaring at me?'

Sensing Cloud Spirit's gaze, Darryl smirked to himself. He then plonked himself down onto a chair nearby, beckoning to her with a wagging finger.

"You truly are something! I told you to bring me somewhere to rest, and you ended up leading me into forbidden territory. Now, you're giving me an attitude. That grass field sure made my back hurt. Come on, rub it for me."

As the final word was spoken, Darryl beckoned to Cloud Spirit Spirit with a finger and a haughty air.

Everyone, including the White Tiger King, Colori, and the other Demon tribe captains, did not react too much. After all, rubbing the master's back was something all pupils did.

However, Cloud Spirit's face flushed an ugly shade of purple.

Her chest, too, began to simmer with rage.

The old geezer went too far. Asking her to rub his back in front of all those people? She only served Empress Heidi. Who was he to make such demands?



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