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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 4733

Chapter 4733

All of Waller Island stared at Morticia in mid-air, their gazes devoid of any of the mockery from before. Instead, their eyes were filled with icy fear. Under Morticia's terrifying aura, no one dared to say a word.

Forsythe's gaze was shining particularly ferociously.

His empress was indeed the best. He would have never dared to imagine that something like that would ever occur in the past-breaking into Waller Island alone and defeating Sunstream, yet she had done it with such ease.

Amidst his excitement, Forsythe’s gaze was sharp as lightning as he cast a glance around him.

'Listen up! Sunstream The Third is dead. From now on, Waller Island will fall under the Sea Dragon Palace. If anyone has a problem with it or wishes to avenge Sunstream, step on up. If you can't, bow down to your Empress at once.'


As the words rang through the air, all of the Waller Island pirates could be seen falling to their knees at once. They quaked with fear, shaking in their boots.

"At your service, Your Royal Highness!” "Long live the Empress."

Sunstream was no match for her with just a single blow. Who would dare to go against her?

Morticia flashed a smile as she witnessed them bowing. Then, she exclaimed lightly, "Get up, all of you! From now on, this will be the Sea Dragon Island. The Sea Dragon Palace's main altar shall be located here.’

As she spoke, Morticia turned to address Forsythe. "I'm going to build a palace here. See to the preparations immediately, and seek labor from the Nine Continents as soon as possible. Remember not to abuse your power. Make sure all workers are paid fairly."

Her child was to be born in just a few months, and there was no way she would allow her baby to live in a simple stone house with her. 4

No, she was a Fiend Martyr! Her child was going to have the very best.


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