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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5076

The thunderstorm lasted up to eight hours. After that, the skies cleared as light broke.


At the sight, both Ambrose and Neil let out a sigh of relief.

Yet just then, Heather could take it no longer. She keeled over onto the ground, her face ashen and her body devoid of strength. She had not eaten nor drank for three days and had just survived a thunderstorm.


At the sight of her, Ambrose scrambled to help her stay upright. "Are you alright?' As he spoke, he felt her pulse and instantly guessed that Heather was in this state due to hunger.


Sensing Ambrose's care, Heather squeezed out a smile as she said weakly, "Ambrose, I'm… I'm hungry." She was already a pretty frail lady and was a little shy to admit her hunger then. Her voice was extremely low; only Ambrose could hear her.

Ambrose smiled faintly as he retrieved the fish he had grilled before from his keepsakes and passed it to Heather.

Just then, Ambrose said, "You're so silly, Heather. You shouldn't starve yourself even if you've been held captive." Despite Heather having not said anything, Ambrose was able to deduce that Heather had starved herself in protest of being captured, and that was why she was in her current state.

Heather smiled faintly, not saying anything more as she began to take small bites of the fish.

Not long after, Heather's face began to regain a bit of color as she looked to be in much better spirits.


Seeing as she was fine, Ambrose let out a breath of relief before turning to look at Neil and the baby.

All that could be seen was that the baby's eyes were closed as he dozed peacefully. Back during the thunderstorm, Neil had been channeling his internal energy to form a protective shield around the baby. This was why the baby had been completely unharmed from the rain, not affected at all.

"What a cute baby."

Just then, Heather came forward as well. She stared at the back with huge eyes, unable to hide her joy. "I'm pretty sure he was born not long ago from the looks of it. What's his name?"


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