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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5097

Darryl activated his divine power during the strike, and he saw a flickering golden light transform into a golden Shadow Palm charging toward Magnum.

Magnum immediately activated all of his energy and held the long black saber in front of him, attempting to block the strike.


The golden Shadow Palm then slammed into the long black saber. Magnum screamed, and blood rained down from the sky as he was thrown more than a hundred meters away. He eventually smashed against a few trees and slid down the hill like mud.

Magnum was already bloodied and out of breath when he collapsed.

Magnum was powerful, but only in comparison to others in the community. Fighting a supreme cultivator with divine energy like Darryl was like an infant versus an adult. They were at different levels.

Darryl walked forward with a straight face after killing Magnum. He discovered the Hysteria Powder and the antidote and was ready to return.

'Huh?' Darryl was startled to hear the sound of people fighting at the edge of the woods. The noise was faint, but Darryl had the body of a sage and a keen sense, so he easily heard it.

'Is that a fight between cultivators?'

Darryl walked forward, muttering to himself, to take a look. 'After all, I already have the cure.' Furthermore, Zacho and the others had not been heavily poisoned.'

Darryl moved quickly through the woods, his brow furrowed.

He saw a slim figure fighting fiercely with a few men on an empty field. She was in her twenties. She was dressed sexily in a long purple gown and exuded an icy cold aura.

Darryl could not help but scratch his head when he saw that. 'I didn't expect to run into a beautiful lady after chasing Magnum. But, that beauty seems to be very hostile.'

Darryl noticed a red tattoo on the back of the lady's neck and detected a different vibe from her. Furthermore, the beautiful lady was quite powerful, as she easily defeated a few people.

Those who fought alongside the lovely lady in purple wore dark gray uniforms. Those people were obviously members of the same sect.


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