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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5191

"You are the head of the Elixir Sector, and you are doing this? Tsk, tsk... What a pity for the Pure Yang Division!"

As he spoke, Vincent gave Sherman a nod of approval.

'Junior Brother is so smart! Why haven't I thought of that? Even if someone comes later, Darryl will be unable to refute on his own as long as Junior Brother and I make the same statements.'

'I was the perpetrator, and now I've become a witness. How nice it is!'

'F*ck you!'

Darryl's face immediately turned cold. He had never expected Vincent and Sherman to be so despicable as to bring suit against the victim.

As Darryl thought, he said coldly to Vincent, "Stop your malicious slander. You know what happened."

At that moment, sounds of footsteps came from outside. Then, Zacho and a few other elders rushed in. As the night was quiet, Darryl and the two apprentice brothers could be heard loudly as the people went to take a look.

Sofia came running over when she heard the dispute.


Everyone in the room was stunned and perplexed when they saw what had happened.

Darryl appeared agitated as he confronted Vincent and Sherman.

On the other hand, Gigi was lying on the bed with her eyes shut and unconscious. Her face was exceptionally red, and it was evident that she had been drugged.

"What happened?"

"What are those three men doing in Gigi's room?"

"Could they have drugged Gigi and—"


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