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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5209

Darryl knew the Hexa Swordmaidens were not thinking clearly because they were still upset about their junior brother's death. There was no way to reason with them. Since it was impossible, the best option was to leave.

However, before Darryl could proceed, the ground shook violently as if struck by an earthquake. The ground gave way, revealing a massive pit a few hundred meters in diameter.

When the enormous pit appeared, a pillar of light shot straight into the sky. Meanwhile, a massive power formation encircled the vast pit.

"Argh!" The massive pit was directly beneath the Hexa Swordmaidens, Vincent and Sherman. They screamed in surprise and fell into the enormous crater. They would vanish at the bottom of the massive pit in the blink of an eye.

'What the f*ck?' Darryl was fascinated with the situation. 'What is happening?' He quickly strode to the edge of the enormous pit and looked down. He was stunned when he saw an energy vortex at the bottom. The Hexa Swordmaidens, Vincent, and Sherman were sucked into the vortex.

Darryl frowned. 'How could there be an energy formation hidden underneath the old jungle? Could there be a mystery down there?' He hesitated for a while and then jumped right into the vortex.

When Darryl entered the vortex, his brain started to buzz. His eyes could only see pitch black and nothing else. Without knowing how long it had been, he finally woke up.

'Damn!' He was shocked by what he saw. He was in a humongous underground city. The different levels of the building formed a row. There were many intersections and roads. He could see the boundary of the city. The entire underground city was almost twice the size of the Pure Yang Division's headquarters.

Every ten meters along the road, there was a massive stone pillar. A huge oil lamp lit up the city from atop the stone pillar. The underground city, on the other hand, was deafeningly quiet. There was not a single person in sight.


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