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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5502

The divine soldiers surrounding them were also shocked to see those three corpses.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

Master Magaera gradually regained his composure as the discussion progressed. "Their fairy soul power had been sucked dry, so they became like that," he said, staring at the three corpses in golden armor.

He gave Zeke a complicated look as he spoke and said, "Archfiend Antigonus had clearly done this. You and your brothers apprehended him, but you couldn't hold him..."

Zeke was devastated and enraged when he heard that. He burst into tears. "Brothers, brothers, brothers... You died far too young... . I'm sorry, brothers. I came back too late..."

"Archfiend Antigonus, you have made an enemy of me."

Zeke's fists were clenched, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The four brothers shared their lives and thoughts. Whatever happened, they would have faced it together. Zeke could not accept the fact that his three brothers had died so tragically.

Master Magaera took a deep breath and felt bad when he saw the grief on his face. He approached Zeke and patted him on the shoulder. "I'm sorry."

Master Magaera continued after a brief pause, "Archfiend Antigonus appears to have discovered a way out of the dungeon. He escaped after killing everyone in the Heaven watcher. He had merged with the divine power of your three brothers, so his strength must have significantly increased. So, we can't let down our guard. We must track down Archfiend Antigonus as soon as possible.

"Don't worry. I will avenge your brothers for you."

Master Magaera looked around at the skies in front of him after saying his final words, a worried expression on his face.

The world would be in chaos again if he did not find Archfiend Antigonus as soon as possible.

"I understand."

Zeke endured his grief and solemnly nodded when he heard his words. "Thank you very much, Master Magaera."

Master Magaera comforted him with a few more words before commanding the divine soldiers to surround him "Everyone, divide into small groups, and investigate the whereabouts of Archfiend Antigonus. Once you get any news, come back immediately."

"Yes, Sir!"


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