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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5515

As Morticia flew in mid-air, she could not help and look in the direction of the main hall. Archfiend Antigonus was still fighting with the Fighters of the Twelve Stars. Both parties' breaths created massive winds that blew away all the clouds and lightning that rumbled down like it was the end of the world.

"Your Excellency, I'm sorry," Morticia said to herself after taking a look. She quickly turned around and exited the scene.

To be honest, Morticia did not want to abandon Archfiend Antigonus. However, she also did not want her baby to witness or be a part of that terrible fight. She decided to leave after much thought.

Looking around the main hall, the battle between Archfiend Antigonus and the Fighters of the Twelve Stars was heating up. Archfiend Antigonus' body had turned into a bloody shadow. He repeatedly knocked the Battle of the Star Formation in an attempt to break through the formation with the Power of the Fiend Soul.

However, the Battle of the Star Formation had been turned into the most defensive status thanks to the efforts of the Fighters of The Twelve Stars. The formation's power encompassed both the heavens and earth. It even created a galaxy illusion. The formation continued to suppress Archfiend Antigonus with the help of the power of the stars.

"Argh!" Archfiend Antigonus yelled at the sky after numerous failed attempts to break through the formation. He had a crazy expression on his face and was dissatisfied with himself.

'Is this my destiny? After the effort of rebuilding my fiend soul and fiend body, I finally returned to my peak level. But here I am, trapped in this formation by those humans.'

Then, as he scanned the formation, he noticed a slim figure carrying a baby and flying away. It had to have been Morticia.

"Morticia…" Archfiend Antigonus was shocked and angry to see that.

Morticia had always been loyal to him. He never expected his most trusted subordinate to betray him and abandon him. His eyes reddened as he was trapped in that difficult and dangerous situation and was betrayed by his subordinate. He had an insane expression on his face.

'Here's our chance.' The Fighters of The Twelve Stars looked at each other as they noticed Archfiend Antigonus' state. They used their strength and attacked Archfiend Antigonus together with good teamwork.

"Trying to ambush me?" Archfiend Antigonus' eyes flashed with coldness. He shouted and transferred power to both his hands to attack the two Fighters of The Twelve Stars in front of him.


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