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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5573

Scitalis clutched his chest in pain as he stared at Debra with an unreadable gaze.

'F*ck. This woman is harder to take down than I expected.'

Debra was overjoyed to have successfully wounded Scitalis, but she did not let it show. She let out a soft sigh before saying coldly, "Tell me who you are. I want to know your name before I kill you."

As she spoke, Debra's chest sank with relief.

Thank goodness she had come up with that plan that resulted in successfully maiming the monster, or the battle would have gone on.

Scitalis wiped the blood on his chest, licking some of it off his hand before smirking coldly. "Heh. My darling. Did you really think you'd won just because you managed to hurt me?"

As he spoke, Scitalis' mouth was stained with fresh blood. It was a terrifying sight, like he was a demon from hell.

Debra frowned at his refusal to back down.

Rachelle could not help but step forward and ask, "How are you still so shameless when you're about to die? Another word from you and I'll rip you bone by bone, you monster!"


Scitalis' expression darkened at Rachelle's threat. When he was exiled from the kingdom by Emperor Houyi, many had referred to him as a monster. That was why Scitalis grew murderous and started killing every man and assaulting every woman he saw.

Hearing Rachelle say the word reminded Scitalis of how he felt back then. His carefree mood darkened immediately.

"You're both going to belong to me soon. I might as well show you what I really look like."

Right after he spoke coldly, Scitalis raised his arms. All at once, a grey glow shone out from him as a strange sound alike to rustling bones emitted from within him.


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