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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5633

Following that, Graham would look for any opportunities to come to the Lange household. He would say that he was just visiting, but actually came to see Circe.

Graham was a handsome man, and pretty skilled as well. His father had also once been Circe's principal, and thus Circe had always had a pretty good impression of Graham.


Seeing Graham bring the pills forward, Tuji did not seem very happy. Instead he cast a glance at them and said faintly, "Put them on the table to the side."

As he spoke, Tuji said to Circe, "Since Graham's here, you should go for a walk with him. I'm going to get some rest."


Circe called out in response, striding out of the main hall.

All of Graham's focus was on Circe, and he did not realize that Tuji's demeanor and attitude was completely different from his usual self as he rushed out with Circe.


Graham had on an eager-to-please expression as he said, "I heard the flowers on the North Mountain bloomed. Let's go to look at them." As he spoke, his eyes were filled with nothing but expectation.

He had been a little tired from the long journey to the Lange household, but seeing his dream girl perked him up in an instant.

Yet Circe did not seem to be half as interested, shaking her head as she said, "Another day. I don't feel like going today." Circe could not for the life of her figure out why her father had taken Beka in as his own pupil, and flowers were the last thing on her mind then.

Graham stopped short, realizing that Circe wasn't in the best mood. He scrambled to ask, "What's up, Circe? Is something the matter? Why don't you tell me— I may be able to help."

Circe smiled faintly. "And what can you do?"

As she spoke, she told Graham everything about Antigonus entering the Lange household and also being taken in as her father's own pupil in detail.

Upon knowing the news, Graham's brows knitted together in disbelief.

Despite being a member of another sect, Graham knew well enough about how strict the Lange household was. This case was the first Graham had ever heard of.

Upon falling silent for a few seconds, Graham could not help but ask, "Do you think there's something wrong with that Beka fellow?"


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