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The Ultimate Husband (Darryl and Lily Lyndon) novel Chapter 5637

As Darryl spoke, he pondered and said, "Moreover, Master Magaera has found out about our relationship with the Hidden Hero Sect. The divine soldiers would certainly want you all dead. It's not the same with me. I'm the Royal Master. Even if I run into Master Magaera, he wouldn't do anything to me."

All of them calmed down after hearing that.

A few moments later, Chester patted Darryl's shoulder. "Alright, then. Be careful on your own." In fact, Chester was worried about Darryl going alone but what Darryl said was right. After the incident at the Hidden Hero Sect, none of their powers had been restored. If they ever get into another conflict with Master Magaera's subordinates, the consequences would be beyond imagination.

Darryl nodded. After hugging Debra, he left hesitantly.

After leaving Begonia Residence, Darryl flew towards the mountains north of Donghai City.

After flying for a few minutes, Darryl came to a ruin. For a moment, Darryl could not help but feel emotional when he saw the environment around him.

He was no stranger to that ruins.

Back then, the Hexad School organized a Lion Slaughtering Conference and publicly judged the Golden Lion of the Eternal Life Palace Sect, Zion Featherstone to get the Supreme Mystery Scripture. In the end, Darryl won and Zion told him the hiding place of the secret manual and it was there in the ruins.

As Darryl revisited the old place, he remembered the original scene again in his mind.

As Darryl was reminiscing, suddenly, a few golden figures dressed in gold armor flew across the sky. They were the divine soldiers who were patrolling.

'D*mn it. What a coincidence.'

Looking at the divine soldiers, Darryl cussed silently and hid behind a stone pillar.

After hiding, the few divine soldiers flew over him and he could vaguely hear them talking.

"D*mn it. Where did that woman go?"

"This place is only that big. I'm sure she can't go far. Let's continue searching."

"That's right. Let's continue finding. Later, Lord General will be here too. It would then be hard for her to escape…"


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