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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 The Reputation of the Family 

Are you teaching me what to do?Joshua’s question sent shivers down Anthony’s spine, prompting him to quickly deflect, No,

wouldn’t dare!” 

Anthony fell silent, but he believed Joshua had taken his words to heart. Reputation was always of paramount importance to his master. He wouldn’t let his good name be sullied for the sake of


Joshua’s frown deepened, and his expression grew stern, which made Anthony gloat internally. His master was angered, and Daniel was doomed. Andrew also picked up on the cues and, while wanting to speak out, was dissuaded by Anthony’s glare. Joshua was clever and needed no instruction from anyone else; any further input could only 

make things worse

However, Joshua was troubled by Jessica’s potential reaction to the photos, as women were often sensitive about such matters. As a devoted disciple, it was his duty to aid his master

Joshua pulled Daniel aside and quietly asked, Master, did you really molest that woman on the highspeed train?” 

Am I that kind of person? It was a misunderstanding.” 

I see, a misunderstanding! I knew it! With such a beautiful wife, how could you possibly molest another woman?” 

Reassured by Daniel’s answer, Joshua walked back to Jennifer. Your claims that Master Daniel molested you on the trainbased solely on 



these photos and supposed chat recordscan’t prove anything. You need to provide more evidence.” 

Isn’t it clear in these photos? And I’m the victim. The evidence 

speaks for itself! Everyone here today is a Delvin Hub business elite; they aren’t blind. If you, Master Joshua, protect him, it will become public knowledge. No one would believe you’d shelter such a pervert, given your status.” 

If Master Daniel truly did what you’ve accused, I will immediately halt Healthy Land’s collaboration with TMO! If he’s innocentand you’re slandering him, then you’ll owe him a public apology.” 

If he’s innocent, I’ll kneel and apologize ! But if he’s guilty, he must kneel before me and slap himself, apologizing until I forgive him.‘ 


Jennifer wanted to crush Daniel and make him the laughing stock of Delvin Hub, a pariah

Joshua, taking his time, looked over at Daniel. Master Daniel, what do you say?” 

I agree.” 

Joshua’s conviction in Daniel’s innocence was bolstered by his affirmative response, so he asked Jennifer, Which flight was it, and which seat did you have?” 

It was flight G888, and I was in seat 2A.” 


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