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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 18

Chapter 18 A Wager 

Everyone has seen, the facts are now clear. The ring that accidentally fell from Master Daniel’s neck was indeed an accident. The ring ending up under Jennifer’s feet was also merely a coincidence.” 

Master Joshua, is this what you call fairness? Even if the ring fell accidentally, the fact that it fell at my feet is still accidental. But when he picked up the ring, this nobody peeked under my skirt! Regardless of the intent, it doesn’t change the fact that he sexually harassed me!” 

Jennifer argued passionately, and Andrew supported her case

Master Joshua, you’re a highly respected person. Now that we’ve brought out the surveillance video, why not let everyone see it in full? Without seeing it all, we can’t judge properly! If this nobody is truly a decent man, even if he ended up at Jennifer’s feet just to pick up that ring, he would never have looked up. If he did, it would harm your reputation to call this pervert Master Daniel and accept such a lowly person as a friend.” 

Andrew didn’t believe Daniel could refrain from peeking up Jennifer’s skirt. Any normal man in that situation would inevitably take a glance. Even he, Andrew, who had encountered countless beautiful women, would likely steal a peek in such circumstances. How could Daniel, a nobody from the countryside who rarely meets beautiful women, resist such a rare opportunity

Mr. Andrew, without clear facts, you use insults like pervertto refer to Master Daniel. You yourself don’t seem like a very decent man! If it turns out that Master Daniel is innocent and didn’t peek, you’ll have to 


Chap 18 A Wa 

kneel just like Jennifer and apologize to him!” 


Why are you defending this nobody so much, Master Joshua? How about a wager?” 

What are the stakes?” 

After the truth comes out and if this nobody is indeed a pervert, Healthy Land must partner with ArmCorp and add a hundred billion to the investment! If he’s not, then as you said, I will join Jennifer in kneeling in front of him and apologizing!” 

Accepted!Joshua agreed, then tapped on his phone to continue playing the surveillance clip

Daniel approached Jennifer, quickly crouched down, and despite her wearing a miniskirt, regarded her as nonexistent; his focus solely on 

the ring

After Jennifer’s scream and snapping photos with her phone, Daniel finally raised his head, but throughout the process, his gaze never 

deviated from the ring

Once the video finished, the truth was revealed. Jennifer couldn’t 

believe itDaniel hadn’t glanced up even once

Jessica had to laugh. Well, it turns out this guy really is quite the 

gentleman!She sighed internally, her regard for Daniel rising 


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