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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 20

Chapter 20 I Will Not Kneel 

Andrew’s knees buckled as he knelt down before Daniel, a shocking spectacle for everyone watching. The eldest son of The Armstrongs and president of ArmCorp kneeling before a loser? If word got out, it would detonate across Delvin Hub and make headline news

I’m sorry,Andrew said, apologizing in front of everyone. The president of ArmCorp was apologizing to a nobody? It was an event no one would believe without witnessing it firsthand

Joshua then turned to Jennifer, demanding coldly, You!” 

Jennifer didn’t want to kneel, but Andrew had already done so. Even the Armstrongs couldn’t resist the threat of being blacklisted by The Grants. Torn between defiance and the dire threat, Jennifer had no 

choice but to turn to Daniel

Do you really have the heart to make me kneel? Do you really want to humiliate me in public?Despite having called off their engagement, she had once been his fiancée. By asking him this, Jennifer was 

giving Daniel a chance to reconsider. Even though there was no way she would ever reconsider, she hoped to sway Daniel to spare her this 


Daniel remained unmoved by her cunning, responding with an icily 

indifferent tone, Of course! Kneel.” 

As hatred consumed Jennifer, she felt insulted by having even tried to sway a nobody and receiving such a response. “I will not kneel!she declared, stomping away in her high heels. Nothing could compel her to kneel to a nobody like Danielabsolutely nothing

Chapter 201 Will Not kneel 


Watching Jennifer’s retreating figure, Daniel allowed himself a small smirk. She was quite amusing, he thought

Joshua was a shrewd old fox, but he sensed there might be a story between Daniel and that woman. After confirming with Daniel there was nothing significant, he casually mentioned, Since she has nothing to do with you, should we blacklist Zen Byte and make her bankrupt overnight?” 

There’s no need to bother with a woman,Daniel replied


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