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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 38


Chapter 38 Eighty Million, Sold

This sculpture may not be perfect in craftsmanship, and it looks a bit ugly in its form, but it comes with a mark engraved by Bernini himself! Eighty million, do you want to buy it or not, Smiley Nick?” 

Eighty million, deal! I’ll transfer the funds right away!” 

Nicholas transferred eighty million to Jessica, and Daniel handed over the statue with Bernini’s mark. The transaction was successful. The purchase of a statue marked by Bernini filled Nicholas with joy. He knew that with some promotion, this piece could easily fetch at least one hundred million at auction, with a bit of extra effort perhaps 1.5 billion or even 2 billion, a lavish sum

Pointing to the remaining two forgeries, Nicholas addressed Daniel, Daniel, you seem to know something about these pieces too? If you can reveal their secrets and show they’re worth over 120 million, I won’t just buy them instantly, I’ll also fulfill my previous promise to kneel and apologize to you.” 

Nicholas had deemed the remaining orient antique porcelain and the Monet painting to be fakes. Otherwise, Jessica would just be too lucky

Daniel picked up the Tang sancai horse and handed it to Nicholas. Smiley Nick, how much do you think this porcelain artifact is worth?” 

This is certainly a fake, looking like something from the 19th century, at most worth 500,000,” 

Are you certain it’s from the 19th century?” 


How about this? Let’s make a bet. If this porcelain piece is a 19thcentury imitation, I’ll give you one 

million. If not, you give me one million.” 

Nicholas examined the plece carefully rather than accepting the bet right away. After scrutinizing it attentively for ten minutes, Nicholas made up his mind. This is a 19thcentury imitation. I accept your challenge! I don’t believe this isn’t a fake!” 

All right!” 

Daniel took the porcelain and smashed it to the ground with force


As soon as it hit the floor, it shattered into countless pieces. Everyone was shocked. No one understood 

what Daniel was up to. Brittany was the first to recover from the shock and started yelling at him. You 

idiot, what are you doing? Even as a forgery, that piece is worth 500,000! Now that you smashed it to smithereens, it’s worth nothing!” 

It was worthless to begin with.‘ 

Daniel’s response left Nicholas puzzled

What do you mean, Daniel?” 

Chapter 30 Eghty Miton Soldi 

Picking up a shard, Daniel read the Inscription: Made by Beljing StateOwned Ceramic Factory, 1985


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