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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 49

Chapter 49 Underworld 

Do I not know? Then why don’t you tell me what’s the deal with Windows Street? How complicated could it possibly be that I can’t resolve it?Daniel was not just boasting; he genuinely believed he had the capability to deal with the matter. A mere Windows Street couldn’t be that dangerous, and if the issue involved fighting, Daniel felt confidentafter all, he wasn’t afraid to throw a punch

The issue with Windows Street is tied to the underworld,Brittany disclosed

The underworld?” 

Yes, the underworld! Mafias, gangsters, and the like. You can’t solve these problems with your mediocre medical skills or just luck. Even if we wanted to settle the matter with money or seek government 

intervention, we haven’t been able to sort it out. The underworld has its own unique set of rules, and we 

can only address it with their methods. To put it bluntly, it means we might need to resort to force!” 

Brittany gave Daniel a disdainful look. With your malnourished body, looking as thin as a monkey, you probably can’t even take down a guard dog. If you can’t beat a dog, you’d better not set foot near Windows Street. If you go there, there’s no way you’ll make it out alive!” 

Force? I think I’m quite strong; I’ve even trained in freefighting some time ago. How about you take me 

to Windows Street to see what this underworld is like?” 

Don’t you dare go! Neither of you!Jessica quickly interjected, preventing them from taking any action. Brittany and Daniel were the people she trusted most, and she would not allow anything to happen to 


Why can’t we

can’t we go? Just because there’s a mafia presence near Windows Street? Estella is the land of the 

free, and we can call 911!” 

*911? Sure you can! If that could solve the problem, why do you think we’ve left that plot of land idle for three years? Didn’t Brittany just tell you? Matters involving the underworld can only be resolved by their ways, and the police won’t intervene!” 

The underworld’s way, which I guess you mean is fighting, right? I mentioned earlier that I’ve trained in freefighting for a few months, so you don’t have to worry about me.” 

Daniel’s confidence made Brittany laugh

Heh,she scoffed before asking, Do you even know what trouble we’re dealing with at Windows Street

Freefighting? Do you think this is WWE? If you go to Windows Street, you won’t even enter the Black 

Panther Club before they throw you out!” 

Black Panther Club? What’s that?” 


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