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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Are You an Idiot

After finishing his laugh, Justin looked at Daniel as if he was staring at an Idiot. What did you just say?! didn’t catch that. You want me to move out within three days and pay you a billion dollars? Unless when you walked through the door, you hit your headotherwise, you must be born an idiot or else why would you dare make such a demand to me?” 

Clenching his fist, Justin commanded Daniel, Get on your knees right now, and I might let you die without too much pain. I want to see what fills the skull of a fool like you.” 


Justin threw a ferocious punch at Daniel’s foreheadthe punch roared with extreme powe passing fly was knocked out of the air by the intimidating punch

power. Even 


But as his iron fist came crashing down, Daniel dodged it with a step back 


Justin’s punch crashed into a concrete pillar behind Daniel, smashing a large chunk of it to pieces and 

causing the debris to fall to the floor. Even the steel bars within the pillar were bent out of shape from the 


Justin, renowned for his strength as a top ten fighter in Martial Club United, had just used 30 percent of his power in that punch. If he struck with his full strength, even a steel plate five centimeters thick would 

dent under his blow

Although Justin didn’t believe he could knock out Daniel with one punch, the fact that Daniel so effortlessly dodged was a surprise to him

So, you can dodge, huh? Quick reflexes for a piece of trash, but can you dodge a second time?” 


Justin launched another punch, faster and more powerful than the first, and he was even closer to Daniel this time. Daniel barely managed to avoid the first punch, but it seemed impossible to dodge the second

Justin pictured in his mind that this punch would be enough to make Daniel’s brains burst


Once more, his punch hit the same concrete pillar, breaking several steel bars and bending it at about a thirtydegree angle. Missing his target again, Justin was furious

You dodged my punch again?! If you’re a man, stop dodging and fight me headon.” 

A man? What’s your misunderstanding of a man? Because a real man’s punch wouldn’t be so soft. Your 

punches are soft, like a sissy 

You think my punches are soft?” 

Of course! Your fist feels softer than a woman’s chest; you want to face me in a fight? I don’t even need 

Chapter 58 Are You an idiot


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