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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 69

Chapter 69 Locked In 

But why lock me up? I didn’t do anything wrong, and I didn’t betray you. Why are you doing this to me? Can’t you be reasonable?Daniel protested

Didn’t I make it clear yesterday? Until we resolve Justin’s situation, you’re not to leave the house. This mansion has food and a gym. If you need anything else, just tell me, and I’ll get it for you. In the coming days, which might turn into a couple of weeks, you are not to step foot outside this door! If you disobey and sneak out, I will break your legs!Jessica’s face was stern, her tone serious

She thought this was the only way to keep Daniel out of trouble. After all, he had taken on Justin for TMO, for her. She couldn’t let Daniel risk any danger because of it

Even if you break my legs, I have to get out,Daniel muttered

What did you say?” 

I said, your wish is my command! If you want me to stay, I’ll stay. And if I do leave, feel free to break my 


Well, then, it’s settled. You better stay put! I’ve already thought of a way to sort out the Black Panther Club issue. Until I’ve handled everything, you’re not to make anything worse.” 

Honey, what’s your plan?” 

Don’t call me Honey! If you do it again, I’ll tape your mouth shut!” 

Jessica, what is this solution you’re talking about, anyway?” 

I’m not telling you!” 

With a curt reply, Jessica elegantly turned on her heels and left in her high heels

She didn’t want to keep Daniel in the dark about her plan; the problem was she didn’t have one yet. For now, she needed to ensure Daniel’s safety, and then she would figure things out

Watching Jessica walk away, her hips swaying enticingly, Daniel felt an urge to give her a firm swat on the behind. She dared to lock him in with chains, and Daniel wanted to make it clear who was the boss in this 


With the front door locked tight, Daniel knew he could only leave if he found someone to cut the chain. However, since the mansion belonged to Jessica, which in a way made it his property too, he didn’t want to damage his own things. So, he went up to the secondfloor balcony

It was only about ten feet from the balcony to the ground, and with an agile jump, Daniel easily leaped down

Jessica had taken the Palamera, so Daniel had to walk out of The Matthewsestate and hall a cab to the Hood Club. As the new chairman of Martial Club United, he didn’t want to waste his time on club affairs, preferring to let Ryan, the acting chairman, handle the Black Panther Club issue

The Hood Club wasn’t due to open until nine, and with some time to kill, Daniel grabbed some breakfast

Chapter 69 Locked In 

After eating, he made his way to the club, only to find its doors firmly shut

What was going on

Daniel took out his phone and called Ryan


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