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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 72

Chapter 72 I Was Coerced 

Jessica’s regal declaration had an intimidating effect on everyone present. They all knew about The Matthewsstrength and financial power. Picking a fight with The Matthews, to help Justin, would be an Incredibly unwise decision

Not one of the major club owners was a fool. They didn’t want to offend The Matthews, and they didn’t want to offend Justin either. Thus, they all turned their gaze towards Ryan in unison

Chairman Rose, you are the chairman of Martial Club United. We will all follow your lead. We will fully respect your decision!” 

Yes! We are all behind Chairman Rose. Martial Club United stands united and will follow the chairman’s 


As long as Chairman Rose decides, even if I have to sacrifice my life, we will go to war with The Matthews!” 

Seeing the crowd once again get riled up, Ryan quickly gestured for them to calm down and shouted, Everyone, please be quiet and listen! Since our goal today is to clear up the truth, I promise you all that we will find the person who beat up Mr. Justin today, no matter what it costs!” 

As soon as Ryan spoke, the crowd echoed his sentiment

Great! Since Chairman Rose has spoken, we’ll rest easy!” 

Chairman Rose truly lives up to our expectations. Worthy of being Martial Club United’s leader. As long as Chairman Rose is with us, no one will dare to bully a member of Martial Club United!” 

Let’s trust Chairman Rose; he will surely lead us to justice for Mr. Justin!” 

Once the commotion had settled, Ryan turned to Brittany, Brittany, Justin claims you brought that man to Black Panther Club. Is that true?” 

It’s true that I brought that moron there, but I don’t know him, and he has no connection to TMO,Brittany confessed

Justin let out a sneer at her admission. Ha! Brittany, do you even believe what you’re saying? If you don’t know that moron and he’s not from TMO, then why did you bring him to Black Panther Club?” 

I was coerced!” 

Coerced? How were you coerced?” 

Faced with Justin’s pressing questions, Brittany thought quickly on her feet, modifying her explanation. Actually, it wasn’t coercion; it was more like I was deceived! I was used by that moron. But in any case, whether it’s Black Panther Club or TMO, we are both victims.” 

Ryan followed up on her change of tune, Brittany, one moment you say you were coerced, the next, you say you were deceived. What’s the truth? If you cannot convince us today, how can we believe that this guy has no ties to TMO? If you can’t convince us, then you must turn that guy over to us! Otherwise


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