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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 88

hapter 88 You’re Slandering Dr. Yu 


Chapter 88 You’re Slandering Dr. Yu 

Isabella didn’t doubt River’s words for a second. She quickly fed the Origin Elixir to Chris, and he revived 

immediately after swallowing it. Isabella was overjoyed, asking with excitement, Dad, are you okay now?” 

I’m fine, just fine! I feel great! What did you just give me? It’s like I’ve been reborn! It feels like I’ve shed a huge burden, like my body’s twenty years younger!” 

That was the Origin Elixir from Dr. Yu.” 

Dr. Yu? Which Dr. Yu?” 

Florida’s number one doctor, River Yu!” 

Where’s Dr. Yu? I need to thank him properly!” 

He’s already left. We’re lucky to have met someone like him.” 

Isabella didn’t tell Chris that he would need another Origin Elixir in seven days. Whether they could find 

River again was unknown. But Isabella was determined to track down River and get the remaining six 

Elixirs for Chris

Daniel couldn’t stay silent any longer and warned Isabella kindly, It seems that pretty women don’t 

always think things through. Do you really believe he’s trying to save your father?” 

Isabella bristled with anger, Are you calling me dumb?” 

I’m just warning you! That Dr. Yu might know medicine, but he’s not a doctor; he’s a curse master. Your dad collapsed because he was cursed, with a worm inside him! And that Elysian Yu likely placed the 

curse. Moreover, that Origin Elixir you just gave your dad is not some miracle pill; it’s cursed insect eggs. Meaning, now there are a bunch of worms inside your dad’s stomach. And since you touched the Elixir, you’ve been cursed too.” 

And just who are you? Where’s your proof for all this nonsense?” 

Daniel handed her a business card. He spoke with earnest conviction, I’m the executive assistant at 

TMO. My contact info is on the card. As for proof, you’ll see for yourself tonight when your body reacts to 

the curse. You’ll suffer from vomiting and diarrhea, and no medicine will help except for assistance from 

Dr. Yu

As for your dad, he’s had the curse longer, so he’ll be in a worse state tonight and might not make it. Of course, if you agree to Dr. Yu’s terms, he should spare your lives. But then, you’ll be at his mercy

If he wants you alive, you’ll live

If he wants you dead, you’ll die


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