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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 90

Chapter 90 Another Flancée 

Isabella, The Evanseldest daughter, is a goddess in the eyes of everyone in Florida. Every man bows before her presence; no one dares to speak to her the way Daniel did. How could a mere assistant talk to her like that? It infuriated her, but she held back her temper

Can you come to my house? I’ll send you the address!” 

Without waiting for Daniel’s agreement, Isabella hung up the phone and texted him the address. That was Isabella’s pride


The name sounded familiar to Daniel. He quickly sorted through a pile of contracts

Damn it

He had a marriage contract with an Isabella. Could it be the same woman

Daniel recalled the Isabella he had met during the day; she was indeed quite beautiful

Holding the contract, he was conflicted

Should he go to Isabella’s residence with the contract and call off the engagement

However, Isabella was so attractive that he wanted to observe her some more. After all, Jessica hadn’t 

given him a definitive response; Jessica might send him away any day

Either way, Daniel felt that even if he and Jessica were not destined to marry, he had to get his hands on 

The Grass of Sealed Dragon

To be on the safe side, he decided to hide the contract he had with Isabella for now. He didn’t want 

Isabella to know about their engagement agreement just yet

After making his decision, Daniel tucked away the contract and set off with a plastic bag in hand

Villa Number 1, Jade Hill

After the call, Isabella had to rush to the restroom several times, nearly dehydrated

She picked up her phone and dialed Daniel again, wanting to ask how long till he would arrive, but there 

was no answer

Half an hour passed

Dingdong! Dingdong

The doorbell rang

When Isabella opened the door, she saw a guy dressed in shabby clothes, holding a plastic bag, his mouth greasy from eating pizza, It was, of course, Daniel

Seeing him like that, Isabella frowned deeply

Chapter 90 Another Fiancée 


Youyou actually ate pizza? Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you?” 

I need to eat to have energy for work! Besides, when I talked to you in the afternoon, you didn’t believe me and almost sent me to a mental hospital. If I don’t make you suffer a little, you won’t take me seriously next time. Women are inherently willful and need to face hardship to grow. I’m helping you 


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