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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 The Lord of Seven Dragons 

Daniel’s retort only drew a contemptuous sneer and a mocking laugh from Isabella


Isabella, even if you don’t believe me, I must tell you seriously. I’m a married man and a gentleman at heart. I would never harbor inappropriate thoughts about any woman other than my wife.” 

At that point, an idea seemed to strike Daniel. In any case, until you have the fortune of becoming my wife, rest assured, I won’t have any designs on you.” 

Youyou’re insane! Have you lost your mind? You say on one hand you have a wife, and then say I’m lucky to become your wife. Do you even know what you’re saying? It seems I guessed right; maybe you really did escape from a mental hospital,Isabella retorted, overwhelmed by anger

Having a wife and you being fortunate enough to become my wife don’t conflict, do they? For

superhuman like me who comes around once in a millennium, it’s quite normal to have two wives, or 

even more, isn’t it?” 

Daniel truly believed what he said. He was born with the seven seals of the dragon, a onceina- millennium Son of Seven Dragons. Being a Son of Seven Dragons meant either he would die young, or he 

would become The Lord of Seven Dragons with the power to control the world

And how could The Lord of Seven Dragons possibly be constrained by marriage? Of course, he could take 

as many wives as he wished

Of course, Daniel was preparing Isabella for the future by telling her this. He wanted to let her know he had a wife early on, so if she fell for him, it wouldn’t be his fault. Even if he managed to become The Lord of Seven Dragons without dying young, he had to remain an honest man he would absolutely not deceive his wife unless he truly had no choice


Isabella didn’t want to deal with him anymore. She lay down on the sofa

Hurry up and lift the curse, and then get out! I don’t ever want to see you again, you’re revolting!” 

Don’t worry, Isabella,Daniel responded calmly. You’ve paid me five million; I’ll do my job well. Lifting a curse is simple. But since it’s about the money, I’ll make it as comfortable for you as possible.” 

Daniel grasped Isabella’s hand, placing his fingertips on her pale wrist. At first, Isabella assumed he was conducting a medical examination and didn’t resist. However, Daniel’s fingers moved sensually over her wrist, even pinching her lightly a few times with his fingernails

Feeling violated, Isabella’s face darkened as she asked coldly, What are you doing?” 

Stop fussing, I’m sensing,Daniel replied nonchalantly

You better not be disrespectful, or I’ll scream for help.” 

Can you keep quiet? I’m feeling for the cursed insect inside you. If you keep interrupting, I might have to 


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