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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 219

Chapter 219 

The conversation flowed between Eugene and Cameron as they exchanged ideas, and both parties seemed to understand each other’s intentions. Melanie remained silent until Cameron suddenly noticed the file booklet she was holding onto

He exclaimed, Miss Smith, have you seen Blue Inc’s series before?” 

in her hands was Blue Inc’s art catalog, and the firstpage cover featured a niche series from a few years ago. With a palpable interest, Cameron continued, This series isn’t very popular. It’s not classified as an antique either. We were just inspired by a small studio under us at the time. It never gained much popularity. How did you know about it, Miss Smith?” 

At the sudden question, Melanie decided to pull out the booklet and place it on the table. After a pause, she said, I looked into Blue Inc before this. I particularly like this series of wooden carvings with themes around humans and nature as it’s quite dynamic

Unfortunately, I found out about it a bit late, and it’s now difficult to find a complete set in the market.Melanie’s tone was sincere as she spoke. I brought this catalog today to ask if it’s still possible for me to purchase the series.” 

Her words were eloquent, but the truth was she had learned about this series from Xander. When they were discussing the exhibition layout for Prime City, Melanie overheard Oliver mentioning Blue Inc’s theme

Finding it interesting, Melanie bought the catalog on their official website after returning to Jepton. She did not expect LeapCo to start a collaboration with them

Melanie was a visage of composure at this moment, both truth and falsehood well hidden amidst her features

Cameron’s interest shifted toward her, and he asked Melanie several questions. Fortunately, Melanie had studied the catalog beforehand carefully, so the answers came smoothly

As Cameron’s smile became more genuine, Melanie lowered her gaze while sitting quietly at the side. Eugene’s gaze on her, however, grew more intense. Melanie pretended not to notice it and just kept her eyes on the catalog in her hands

In the end, Cameron still took a diplomatic stance. Melanie knew this was because they were currently in the position to choose

When they were leaving, Cameron escorted them to the door and said courteously, I look forward to meeting you again next time, Mr. Scott.” 

Eugene nodded

Cameron then turned to Melanie and said, Regarding the wooden carvings you inquired about, Miss Smith, it’s quite a challenge to locate them now due to their low production and popularity. If you wish, however, I can inquire again.” 

Melanie could not say much to that. She just smiled and thanked him. Thank you, Mr. Crane. If you don’t mind, could we exchange contacts? I like Blue Inc’s cultural and creative items. I would appreciate it if I could get firsthand information.” 

Her words were cleverly chosen and in praise of the company, which naturally gained her Cameron’s agreement. They exchanged contact information, and it was not until they reached 

  1. Chapter 219 

the parking lot that Melanie’s smile gradually faded

Looking at the Maybach parked next to her, she went up to her car expressionlessly and was about to open the car door when Lee suddenly approached her. He called out somewhat 

hesitantly, Melanie, are you heading back to the office now?” 


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