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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 267

Chapter 267 

Melanie slept well, waking up a little after seven the next morning. Reny was still sound asleep, so Melanie got up quietly. She had not gone to the hospital yesterday and needed to go today to avoid worrying her grandfather

Upon descending the stairs, she found the living room empty. It seemed everyone was still asleep, probably because they stayed up late the night before. When she reached the courtyard, she saw Xander with his back to her, talking on the phone

Hearing the door open, Xander turned around and saw Melanie. He ended his call before making his way over. Why are you up so early?” 

I’m planning to go to the hospital to check on my grandfather,Melanie replied

Xander nodded. I’m heading to see a client. I’ll drop you off on the way.” 

Melanie was about to decline the offer, but Xander was already walking toward the garage. Xander’s villa was large and located in a strategic spot. From the interior alone, one would think it was a new house if not for the people living in it

Following Xander to the garage, Melanie asked, “Did you buy this villa after returning to Jepton?” 

No, my mom bought it.Xander’s tone was casual. She originally intended it to be my future marital home.” 

Your mom thinks far ahead.” 

Xander responded with a simple hum and did not elaborate. Sensing that he might not want to discuss this topic further, Melanie did not press on

When they arrived at the hospital, it was exactly eight o’clock, and there were many people at the entrance. Before getting out of the car, Melanie said to Xander, I’ll go to the hotel this afternoon to get my car and then I’ll make a trip to the north of the city. I might come back late.” 

The old house in the northern part of the city was not ready to be inhabited immediately. Xander had told Melanie yesterday to continue staying in the villa, as it was also convenient for her work at the financial exhibition

Take care,Xander said, his tone sounding just as usual. However, Melanie suddenly found the exchange somewhat peculiar

She furrowed her brows subtly, then opened the door and got out of the car

Her grandfather’s condition was still the same as the previous days. He was still lying in bed and was only able to consume liquid food. Melanie had adjusted her emotions over the past two days. Now when she saw her grandfather, her eyes would not easily well up with tears

She wiped her grandfather’s face and massaged his hands and feet

Her grandfather’s gaze remained on her. Melanie held his hand and said gently, Grandpa, don’t worry about me. I’ve taken care of things online. Focus on getting better, and when you’re well, we’ll go home together.” 

Her grandfather’s fingers curled slightly. He was seemingly responding to her words

Nothing significant was brought up with the doctor when he was making his rounds. However, after the rounds were over, the doctor called Melanie over

Has the family decided whether the patient will opt for conservative treatment or surgery?” 

Melanie closed her eyes briefly, Has the neurology specialist you mentioned arrived in 

Jepton? Can I meet with him?” 


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