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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 694

Chapter 694 

Viola looked at Eugene and softened her tone. Her attitude was completely different from when she had faced Melanie. Her eyes were dewy as she probed. carefully, Eugene, let’s talk outside, okay? I know a nice cafe nearby.” 

Lee frowned slightly. He gave Viola a onceover

He never really got along with Viola, nor were they very familiar with each other

When Viola was by Eugene’s side, she had caused a lot of trouble, and Lee had been the one to clean up most of her messes. Although they were mostly insignificant matters, there were so many problems that it became annoying. That was why he had never liked Viola

Viola was still looking at Eugene eagerly. She was sure that once she mentioned Rockwater, Eugene would definitely agree to her request

Her hopes were dashed when Eugene said coldly, And why should I hear you out


Stunned, Viola subconsciously explained, Because I know Rockwater-” 

Eugene looked up, his eyes as calm as a bottomless abyss. His gaze swept across Viola’s stunned face, completely devoid of emotions. He did not care what Viola was saying at all

Viola’s heart skipped a beat. Panic overwhelmed her. She looked at Eugene in a fluster, but when she could not read any of his thoughts from his face, she looked at Lee instead

Finally, she turned back to Eugene. She clenched her fists and forced herself to calm down. If you don’t care about Rockwater, I can help you with Redwaves, too. Eugene, don’t you want to beat Redwaves? I heard that you’ve been working really hard on your plans for that.” 

I can help you.Viola bit the corner of her lip

There had been a financial meeting in the conference hall on the first floor lately. Other than Eugene, other guests had attended the meeting too

Viola’s voice started off soft, but it slowly became louder and louder toward the end

It was as if she was declaring these words not only for Eugene’s ears, but also for her own. She was convincing herself that she could help Eugene

Eugene’s eyes were halfclosed. Viola’s voice echoed in his ears, but he did not

Chapter 694 

even look up

Just then, Lee interjected, Miss Shaw, our meeting with Matthew Smith will begin soon. Mr. Scott needs to rest. Please leave for now.” 

Viola stood rooted to the spot in embarrassment. Eugene, I’m telling the truth. If you want, I’ll definitely help LeapCo get through this crisis.” 

She tried to take another step forward, but Lee put his hand out to block her. If you don’t know the way out, Miss Shaw, I can escort you.” 

Viola left in a huff

Lee frowned at Eugene. It looks like Viola’s going to complain to Harvey again.” 

Eugene’s eyes were calm and indifferent. Have you arranged everything in Jepton?” 


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