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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 732

Chapter 732 


Melanie took out Burning Star Studio’s proposal after Eugene was done. She said sincerely, Mr. Lowe, you have a reputation among industry insiders for being fair and reasonable

That’s why Xander told me that he hopes you’ll be able to give your opinion after going through Burning Star Studio’s proposal.” 

She said this beautifully. Melanie showered praise on Jackson and used his reputation as a reason to have him view her proposal. This made it difficult for Jackson to reject her

Jackson could not help throwing another contemplative glance at Melanie

By the time the meal was over, Eugene’s and Melanie’s proposals were in Jackson’s hands

Even though he said nothing about them, it was at least a slight improvement to the situation

Before they left, Candy looked at Melanie. It seemed like she was unwilling to leave just like that. She hesitated as she kept moving closer to Melanie

Melanie stopped and turned toward Candy. She took out a box of lemon drops and gave it to Candy.This candy is lemon flavored. Do you like it?” 

Blushing, Candy reached out for the candy. She said shyly, Thank you, Melanie. I like it a lot!” 

Xander had given Melanie the box of lemon drops before she left. It was the same as before, and Melanie liked the taste of the lemon drops

Candy took Melanie’s number before she left

Melanie watched as Candy skipped happily toward the car while following Jackson. After that, she turned to look for Eugene

Jacob and Eugene were chatting. Jacob smiled when he saw her come over. Candy seems to like you a lot, Miss Smith.” 

Melanie replied, She’s very adorable.” 

Candy doesn’t have any siblings, and we’re too busy with work to take care of her. I saw you 

exchange numbers just now. If you have free time, I hope you’ll be able to chat with her. But you don’t have to do it if you’re busy.” 

Jacob said in a friendly manner, and Melanie nodded. I will.” 

Melanie sighed with relief after Jacob left

At least there was progress with Redwaves

Why are you so nervous?Eugene asked

Melanie replied, Aren’t you nervous? What will you do if Jackson Lowe still feels LeapCo is not up for it after going through your files?” 


Eugene did not reply. He asked Lee, Is there anything else scheduled this afternoon?” 

Lee glanced at Melanie. We’re meeting Mr. Walsh.” 

Melanie knew what it meant. I won’t be joining you. I’ll be heading straight for the hotel 

She did not sleep well the night before and had rushed out early in the morning to see Jackson, Melanie did not look well at all

The last two days had been a complete mess, and the situation with Dylan had exhausted her

Melanie was still feeling fearful over Dylan banging her head against the bed railing in the hospital 


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