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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 773

Chapter 773 

Not long after Melanie’s conversation with Yana ended, Reny came over and said that one of Burning Star Studio’s previous clients, who was in Prime City, wanted to treat them to dinner and had invited Melanie along

Melanie remembered the first time she bumped into Xander in Prime City; he had been hosting an exhibition here

However, luck was not on her side today. Just as she stepped out of the hotel, she bumped into 


Howard’s face darkened visibly when he saw her. He looked to be struggling to say something, but after glancing outside, he hurriedly left. Since Howard did not initiate a conversation with her, Melanie did not bother to engage him either and pretended not to have noticed him

However, out of the corners of her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Howard getting into a car parked at the entrance. She also vaguely caught the figure of a woman inside. It was probably Peyton

The place where they were meeting the client for dinner was a renowned private kitchen in Prime City. Everyone there was familiar with one another, making the meal quite lively.. 

Xander was sitting beside Melanie, and when the client tried to pour her a drink, he intercepted it calmly. She doesn’t drink.” 

The client was taken aback for a moment but then laughed heartily. Mr. Xander, you, oh you! Why don’t I remember Burning Star Studio ever having someone like her? When did she join? Burning Star Studio has never hired any more staff ever since I met you!” 

He had a knowing look, his gaze shifting meaningfully between Melanie and Xander

Melanie was surprised and whispered to Xander, asking, Doesn’t Burning Star Studio recruit externally?” 

She always thought Burning Star Studio, like LeapCo, would regularly take in interns. However, upon 

reflection, she realized that she had not heard of any plans like that during her time at the studio

Xander had been drinking with the client, and though it was not much, there was still a faint smell of alcohol coming from him

He had initially kept his distance from Melanie, but he leaned in slightly when he heard her question. He whispered back, We do recruit.” 

Melanie was puzzled. When do you recruit, then? Do you also participate in campus recruitment?” 

Xander looked at her with deep eyes. No, we have our own criteria at Burning Star Studio.” 

What criteria?” 

Chapter 773 

The recruits have to match my taste.” 

Xander might as well have not said anything. The client found their conversation amusing, so the atmosphere at the dinner table became lively again


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