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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 775

Chapter 775 

Just as she took a step, Howard came over from the side

Anger was evident on his face, and seeing Melanie only made him even more displeased. He launched into a barrage of questions without even waiting for her response, What are you doing here? Did you secretly follow me? And what did you just say to Peyton?” 

He did not ask for any clarification and just unleashed his frustration. His expression was fierce and urgent, as if Melanie had stepped on his tail

She listened until Howard finally stopped to catch his breath. She responded indifferently, So, you’re afraid of what I might have told Peyton, huh?” 

Melanie went straight to the point as she observed Howard’s nervousness. The anxiety in his tone was suspicious

Her eyes shone as she pondered. She then asked, Are you afraid I’ll tell her about Bianca or that you have another wife in Oskon City?” 

The fact that Howard had a wife in Oskon City was not known to many. She only knew about it herself 

when Matthew told her the last time they met

Sure enough, as soon as she mentioned Howard’s wife in Oskon City, Howard’s expression 

immediately changed. His features twisted with embarrassment and anger. He raised his hand as if to strike Melanie. Say that again!” 

Melanie could not help but find Howard’s fit of rage extremely ridiculous. It was enough to prove how foolish she had been to have ever given him the benefit of the doubt

How good could a man who would abandon his wife and child for the sake of playing around with other women be

Whether it was Dylan back then or his current wife or Peyton, it was their misfortune to encounter 


As Melanie anticipated the slap from Howard, she was surprised to see a hand with distinct knuckles blocking it from the side

Eugene had followed them without anyone noticing and positioned himself in front of Melanie. He raised his hand to stop Howard from slapping Melanie. His tone was heavy as he said, Mr. Smith, when will you ever break your habit of resorting to violence?” 

Howard was taken aback by Eugene’s presence and instinctively asked, “Didn’t you just go inside?” 

Ignoring him, Eugene turned to Melanie and asked, Are you okay?” 

Melanie gave Eugene a complicated look before turning her gaze to Howard

She was truly fed up with his constant harassment. Despite her complete lack of interest in him, he 

Chapter 775 


always found a way to bother her. It was as if he was looking for trouble himself

Yet, explaining things to someone like Howard was futile. His mind seemed to be tuned to a completely different wavelength

Feeling disheartened, Melanie could only turn away and leave

Fortunately, Xander’s meeting had just ended, and he called her

Melanie waited for the group at the door so that they could go back together


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