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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 788

Chapter 788 

Eugene Scott



Melanie clenched her fists and gritted her teeth. She looked at Engene with reddened eyes. and almost growling Tell me, what are you doing here? What right do you have to decide if I keep my child? This is my baby, and it has nothing to do with you

What right do you have?! What right?!” 

Melanie could not control her emotions. In the end, she sobbed so much that she could no longer speak coherently

The subdued atmosphere of that place had made her fearful and anxious. When she saw Eugene’s name on the family column, she felt cold all over

Multiple possibilities filled her mind, but all thoughts were blurred out by the panic and confusion she was feeling

She really wanted to question Eugene about why he was doing this

What right did he have to make this decision? Why did he refuse to let her off

Melanie stared at Eugene as big drops of tears fell from her eyes. She burst out crying from holding back all the grievances she had faced during this time

Eugene stared back at Melanie and realized that something was not right

Frowning, he asked in a deep and low voice, What are you talking about?” 

Eugene wanted to wipe away Melanie’s tears with his hand, but she slapped it away midair. There was despair and misery in her eyes that Eugene had never seen before. Don’t touch me, Eugene Scott. You disgust me.” 

Melanie?!A voice was heard coming from afar. It was Xander calling out to her anxiously

His gaze first fell on Melanie’s face, and he turned to look at Eugene after. There was a frosty look in his eye

Xander quickly went to Melanie and pulled her next to his side. Frowning, he asked, What’s wrong? Did something happen?” 

Melanie turned to look at Xander. She was overwhelmed emotionally and was unable to say anything

All she could do was shake her head.. 

Xander immediately turned grim. He looked at Eugene sharply and asked accusatorily, What did you do?!” 

Eugene narrowed his eyes at Melanie. His attitude turned cold when he heard Xander’s accusing tone. Who do you think you are?” 

Chapter 786 

The look in Xander’s eyes turned dark. He was about to reply when he felt a tug on his sleeve

He turned back to look at Melanie. She was shaking her head with her eyes closed. She said hoarsely, Stop arguing. I just don’t want to see him again

Xander’s expression softened. He grabbed Melanie’s hand and said softly, Alright, let’s go home.‘ 

Melanie nodded and mumbled, Yes, let’s go home.” 

She did not give Eugene another glance when she left with Xander


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