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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 792

Chapter 792 

It was Carla and Stella

Melanie felt Stella’s gaze on her as soon as she got out of the car. She did not even want to look at Stella, turning around to head back with Yvonne instead

Miss Smith, can I have a moment of your time?Carla said, stepping forward. She was wearing a beige suit that made her look gentle and graceful

Melanie stopped in her tracks. She did not want to see any member of the Scott family right now. I’m sorry, I don’t have time.” 

Carla did not expect her to refuse. She was stunned, at a loss for how to respond

Stella looked up and studied Melanie for a moment before she said coldly, You went to see Cedric today, didn’t you?” 

Melanie looked at her. Stella’s sneer was still firmly in place

There was a small hut not far from the villa. Melanie glanced at Stella and got straight to the point. Are you here to order me to get an abortion, too?” 

Stella paused for a moment before scoffing. To be honest, as long as your child has nothing to do with Eugene, I don’t care even if you give birth to a halfwit.” 

Why do you have to keep confirming that with me?Melanie watched Stella, not missing the flicker of distaste in the older woman’s eyes when she looked at her stomach

Melanie said coolly, There are a lot of men in the world. Eugene isn’t the only one out there.” 

Hmph, you’d better be telling the truth.Stella’s tone took a turn as she said, Eugene will marry Evelyn anyway. Even if you’re carrying Eugene’s kid, you won’t marry into the family.” 

If that’s all you’re here to say, you’re free to go now.Melanie got up, giving Stella a look of disdain. The Scotts always exuded a nauseating sense of superiority

Don’t think you can get away by acting aloof.Stella looked at Melanie with a halfsmile on her lips. Melanie, you think you’re so smart, but in the end you’re just being played for a fool.” 

She looked pointedly at Melanie’s stomach. Do you really think you can save your child?” 

Melanie was about to turn around when she suddenly stopped. She instantly looked back at Stella, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on her back. It was that oppressive, ominous feeling again

She belatedly came to a realization. Was everything that happened at the hospital your doing?” 

Stella must have specially dressed up today. She was covered in jewelry, the perfect image of a rich lady. She raised a hand to her pearl earrings and stared at Melanie with a rare look of pity. You truly are hopelessly stupid.” 

It was dinnertime when Eugene got back to the Scottsresidence

Stella was in a good mood today, saying, So you finally remembered to come back today?” 


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