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The Unfaithful Mr. Scott (Melanie and Eugene) novel Chapter 849

Chapter 849 

Melanie pursed her lips and carried Merry out of the room

Eugene and the doctor followed her. When the doctor saw Melanie’s serious expression, he thought that she was worried about the baby and comforted her. The results will be out soon. With infants, we’re mostly worried about triggering their allergies unknowingly. She should be fine with enough parental supervision.” 

Melanie forced a smile. Thank you, doctor.” 

The doctor glanced at Merry and then at Eugene. He teased, You’re more familiar with multidrug allergies than I am. You can tell your friend about your experience.” 

Eugene was his high school classmate. When he suddenly came to ask for a checkup that day, the 

doctor was shocked. He thought that Eugene had gotten married at some point

His instincts and experience also told him that Merry’s features resembled Eugene’s to some extent

That was why he joked about Merry being Eugene’s daughter

However, looking at the situation now, it was hard for him to say with certainty either way

Blake Lefton had been a pediatrician for so many years and had seen many things. Still smiling, he handed Melanie a business card. I’m based here in Jepton. You can consult me anytime if you need any help with little Merry.” 

With that, he left

Melanie instinctively avoided Eugene’s gaze, turning away with Merry in her arms. Since the checkup is over, I’ve got other things to do.” 

I heard that Eason Harmon was looking for you earlier,Eugene said suddenly. Eason was Timothy’s oldest brother’s name. That man will do anything to get what he wants. You’d better tell me immediately when you meet him.” 

Melanie stopped in her tracks. I don’t think we’ll meet again.” 

After all, she was about to leave Jepton

It was ironic. She had lived here for most of her life, but now she could not stay any longer

Melanie was about to leave when a teasing drawl from behind stopped her. If the nurse hadn’t told me that you were here, I wouldn’t have believed it. Don’t you hate children? Why did you come to the pediatrics department?” 

Simon’s face was filled with carefree mockery as usual. He looked at Eugene. Eason’s here with your dad. Oh, and that William guy is with them too. Man, they look like a jury waiting to persecute you.” 

Eugene narrowed his eyes. The gentle aura around him instantly turned cold. He gave Melanie a long look and said in an emotionless tone, Be careful on your way back.” 

15 Chapter 240 

Melanie blinked, and Eugene was gone, striding quickly away. She was about to leave with Merry as well when she heard Simon’s voice

Hey, this mess started at least partly because of you. And you’re leaving just like that? I was right. You really are ruthless.Simon sneered at Melanie

Yvonne frowned. Please get your facts straight. It was Timothy who stabbed Eugene, not Melanie, She was also a victim of his crazy ways. Cut the victimblaming crap

Melanie was willing to visit Eugene because she’s kind, not because she owed him anything” 


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