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THE UNION novel Chapter 16

"Come on." Tolu says as she stands in a line at the bank, she had been there for a lot of hours and was getting tired. Tolu could have been attended to very early but people kept on taking her space in the line and she allowed them willingly, she had a habit of putting others before herself no matter what.

"Hmm, can I cut?" The lady behind Tolu asked, she had noticed the way Tolu has been behaving.

"I'm sorry but I've been waiting at the line for quite sometime now." Tolu says.

"Ohh, I just need to go and pick my daughter from school." The lady says, Tolu breathes out, rolls her eyes and allows the woman to stay in her line. A hour later it's finally Tolu turn but she's referred to another section in the bank and is given a number.

"I need to get out of here." Tolu says as she sits on a chair, she brings out her phone to check the online profile page of a person, after searching she finally gets to the profile and it's her mom, Tife was still successful and was still doing very well, she got married to another man and had been living her best life.

"The bad ones always get lucky." Tolu said as she turns off her phone, she despised her mother not for leaving her father, she understood why her mom left but was upset that Tife never made any attempts to find her. She felt worthless and useless knowing her own mother never cared about her, the bank was getting crowded with more and more people so Tolu runs off outside to get some fresh air, after minutes of standing she sees a lady on the street standing really scared, there were blood stains on her clothes. Seeing on one attending to her Tolu quickly runs toward the lady.

"Is everything fine Ma?" She asked, the lady didn't respond rather she took her face away from Tolu.

"I'm a officer, you can tell me anything." Tolu gently says as she brings out her badge.

"There are some thugs in my street, they've been harassing we the people that live around that place. We called the station for help but no one came to help us, we can't even leave our homes without being scared." The lady sniffs, tears rolled down from her eyes. Tolu brought out her phone to call Deji but after thinking she puts it back in her pocket.

"Take me there." Tolu says boldy hoping she could finish up there and still get back to the bank on time.

Tolu and the lady hide behind a bush in a park waiting for the thugs to show up.

"Thank you for coming to help, most officers ignored our call for help." The lady says.

"Well, lucky for you I'm not most officers." Tolu says and smiles, after waiting for very long hours, three men wearing a black shirt show up at the center of the park.

"There they are." The lady says and runs off scared, Tolu gulps and gently walks toward the thugs hoping to reason with them.

"Boys, I know we all like to have fun and do crazy things with our powers..................." The thugs didn't wait for Tolu to finish talking, without hesitation they suddenly gather around her and start beating her, Tolu lays on the floor defenseless and thinking of what to do, she thought of her father and the many advises he had given her.

"If they attack all at once then they are probably weak." A disoriented voice of Balogun echoed towards her ear. They were shattered glass bottles around the park, she slowly picks one up and stabs the leg of one of the thugs, the thugs get scared and quickly move behind.

"Try me!" She yells and gets up, two of the thugs flee from the scene.


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