I was startled feeling someone climbing in next to me while I lay into Brenda's arms sleeping. I lift my head to see who it was seeing it is my friend.
Brenda didn't complain having her sleep with us so it was fine with me too. We love to sleep together at home and having her this close to me make me feel very happy.
I have missed her so much, she snuggle into me feeling her breast close to my back and her arm around my waits, making me smile into this beautiful view. I couldn't sleep anymore so I checked the time seeing it was 5:35,wonder why she is up so early.
I hope she's fine we gonna talk about that. I lift my head to look at Brenda'. I can't believe she left me just like that last night with so much throbbing and lust for her. I'm so angry at her really, I needed her so bad but I understand her so it's fine, I'm going to wait when she is ready. I admire her beauty, her beautiful face, long noise, I wonder do vampires sleep ever because they are night creatures.
She was so beautiful and I love her abs, I feel her stomach with my hand that lays on her abs as I moves with my fingers tips on her bear skin moving it up slowly to her teasing breasts that's smiles at me.
I feel her shiver under my touches making me smile. I look up to her lips as a twist spread acrose it she looks like she is asleep and something pop up into my head.
I move up to her lips as I lay my finger on her cold lips. I want to see her fangs it was so scary beautiful but I exactly love it but somehow still feel scared it was looking to sharp.
I smile at what I'm busy doing,i lift her lip peeking through her beautiful white teeth seeing nothing as I sight frustratedly.
I move myself slowly not to try and wake them up as I lay on my stomach with half of my body on Brenda. I use both hands to lift her lips and see. I was startled when she almost bites my fingers off making me scream in my hands.
I sight hearing her laugh at me. I feel so embarrassed hiding my face in her chest as she holds me still laughing. She wasn't sleeping all the time she knew what I was busy doing.
"You could have give me a heart attack I thought you was about to kill me", I told her, still hiding my face on her chest. I was really scared I can even feel how my heart beat fast and breathing wasn't helping either. She caressing my back speaking through her laughs with me but I was still shy and embarrassed so I didn't want to look at her.
"Didn't your mother taught you not to play with someone else mouth baby, it's rude", she said, laughing again at me.
"I can't believe it",she spoke, What did y..ou th...ink baby girl? she asked laughing at me.
" Mxm... Pleaee don't laugh at me", I told her feeling shy, and you rude you laughing so hard, you going to wake my friend", I told her spanking her on her chest.
"You so silly, you could've asked me, my queen instead of trying to get you killed", she told me , as she try to lift my head from her chest to see my face.
"You ww going to kill me?I asked her.
"Oh no my beautiful mate I wouldn't dare to do that", she said lifting my head from her chest.
"I just wanted to see it again", I told her, with my close eyes not wanting to look at her face I was really embarrassed.
"I need to see that beautiful eyes of yours sweet baby girl please? she asked nicely.
"No you going to laugh at me again", I told with my small baby voice, trying to hid my face but at no advil.
"Okay then", she said, when I felt her start to tickling me making me laugh so hard, but keeping my eyes close.
Brenda please stop it we gonna wake chrissy up! I scream through my laughs.
"Open your eyes then." she spoke still tickling me.
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