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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 131

Chapter 131 Lady Peony

Mason Kemp and Rainbow Carter finally realized who had been stalking them.

Just the name of "SHADOW" was enough to make them feel fearful, and now, the leader of SHADOW in the eastern district had come to them. How could they avoid being panicked?

Moreover, both of them thought of another question - if Billy could command Judge, then what was his identity?!

'Could he be King of the West, the master of SHADOW, Commander Gardner? Could it be that Lady Peony has committed another major crime recently, causing such a big shot to personally arrest her?' Mason and Rainbow were assuming inwardly.

"Can you say it now?" Judge continued to ask, "Confess honestly and I can help you seek leniency!"

"I... I don't know where she is..." Mason Kemp struggled to speak, "We... we are just peripheral members of Ink Pavilion, I'm not... not sure about her whereabouts..."

"Is that so? Fine, since you can't provide us with useful information," Billy sounded sterner as he continued, "Kill them both!"

"Yes!" Judge responded, flipping his wrist and the Cold Moon curved blade appeared in his hand.

"No, no..."

The two of them knelt down in front of Billy at the same time.

"Don't... don't kill me..." Mason Kemp quickly shouted, "I'll tell you, I'll tell you..."

After hesitating for a moment, he continued speaking, "Her rank is higher than mine. If it were any other day, I... I really wouldn't know her whereabouts. But... but today happens to be her birthday... According to her usual practice in previous years, even if she is busy, she will set aside time to hold a small birthday party at her villa.

"Where is her villa?" Judge asked.

"This is the specific address..." Mason Kemp trembled as he took a paper and pen from the side and wrote down an address to give to Judge.

"You better not be lying to us, or you'll regret it!" Judge took the address and looked at it.

Half an hour later, Billy and his two companions drove away, with Mason Kemp, Rainbow Carter, and all of Ink Pavilion's peripheral members taken away by SHADOW's men.

The address given by Mason Kemp was around 200 miles away from Ozin. According to administrative division, it belonged to the suburbs of Enssea.

At 4 PM, their Land Rover stopped at the foot of a beautiful mountain. In front of them was a small courtyard built against the mountain with its own entrance gate.

There was a sizable artificial lake at the entrance of the courtyard with several black swans and pairs of mandarin ducks playing in it. A delicately carved arch bridge connected to the main gate of this estate.

"She sure knows how to enjoy herself." After getting out of their car, Judge looked around admiringly.

"According to what Mason Kemp said, Lady Peony's official identity is vice president of Enssea Chamber Of Commerce. With Ink Pavilion backing her up behind the scenes she can easily make some money." Casey responded nonchalantly

"Let's go inside!" Billy scanned around before walking towards that arch bridge

Inside this estate there were people moving about everywhere; lively conversations were taking place between groups holding red wine glasses dressed in fashionable clothing for both men and women alike .

Around this estate there were about thirty black-clad men standing like javelins on standby; they had strong builds and imposing aura .

Not far from where they stood near entrance gate , several middle-aged men and women gathered around a tall woman chatting cheerfully .

The woman appeared about thirty-five years old with delicate features that exuded natural charm. There was also beauty mark on her forehead which resembled grains rice. Her skin was as smooth as jade but fragile like porcelain. Standing about 5. 6 ft tall, she had graceful posture and elegant demeanor. Her whole body emitted mature aura reminiscent that only came from someone who had lived through many experiences .


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