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The War God's Homecoming novel Chapter 16

Chapter 16 Please give orders, Commander.

Duncan held the broadsword in his hand. When he was about ten centimeters away from Billy's head, it was caught between two fingers. It couldn't be moved at all. One drop of sweat dripped down Duncan's forehead and he trembled uncontrollably. He knew that he had met a master, one that made him feel hopeless.

"Who... who are you?" Duncan asked with difficulty after swallowing hard.


Billy didn't answer him. He applied slight pressure on his fingers and the sturdy broadsword snapped in half. Then, with a flick of his wrist, the front half of the blade shot like lightning towards a nearby tree. The big tree was broken in half, collapsed with a loud noise, and its leaves scattered everywhere.

With a sigh, many people shivered uncontrollably.

"If you don't answer my question, you'll die!" said Billy while glaring at Garth.

"Kid, do you think having a little bit of martial arts skill means you can act recklessly on my land?" Garth took a deep breath and continued, "Even if you can fight, there are only two of you. I have over a thousand people here. Do you think you have a chance of winning?"

"Ignorant!" Casey glanced at him as if he were an idiot.

"I'll let you see what happens to you when you cross the Thunder family." Garth waved his hand. "Kill them!"

With his order, a thousand people showed their weapons. 100 men in black had a pistol in the hand apart from a knife. Just as the moment was about to explode, there was a sudden screeching of brakes outside the gate. Soon after, nearly 200 fully armed police officers rushed into the mansion, each with a rifle aimed at the Thunder family.

All the people, including Garth, were surprised by that.

"Father, it's Winston leading the team!" Franklin, the eldest son of the Thunder family, spoke in a deep voice.

"What is he here for?" Garth furrowed his brows and quickly walked towards Winston.

"Mr Kim, what's with all this commotion?" He spoke in a condescending tone as he approached.

As the Ace in the hole of the Thunder family, Garth had his confidence. Even facing the top official of the police department of Cloud City didn't faze him.

"Garth, your Thunder family is really something else!" Winston responded coldly.

"What happened? Please enlighten me." Asked Garth.

"You better pray that Tasha is safe! Otherwise, your family history will end today!" Winston stared back coldly.

"You're going too far with that statement," Garth said sternly after pausing briefly. "This is my place. If you have business here, Mr Kim, please show us relevant documents, otherwise we won't receive you."

"You never learn until you die." With that said, Winston beckoned his men and ordered, " Find her! Dig up the while thing looking for that girl!"

"Yes, sir!" A group of uniformed officers responded in unison and quickly walked towards the courtyard.

"Winston, enough!" Garth snapped angrily, then raised his hand and continued, "Stop them!"

"How dare you? Everyone listen! Anyone who obstructs official duties will be directly shot!" Said Winston.


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