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The Wolf In Me novel Chapter 26

Part 1 The scientist

Luka's POV

"Damn it," I whispered angrily, holding a fist in mid-air.

"Hey, hey, quiet" Melody warned, bringing my fist down. "Don't worry, I got it," she said, grinning cheekily as she closed her eyes and took deep breaths to focus.

She chanted silently whilst I observed our surroundings and Jake was trying to spot the person that shot the tranquillizer.

"You cannot fight it off. It's too strong. Now, let's find out if you got that tattoo hidden under your shirt," the scientist said, exposing Melchior's chest.

My heart started to race thinking we were going to be screwed but as I was getting my weapon ready I heard the scientist speak again.

"Oh, seems like you are the one."

I felt confused about how he had a tattoo identical to mine, but I heard Melody slightly chuckle, feeling pleased with her magic.

"Was it your doing Melody?" I asked, staring at her.

"Guards! Come get him in the trunk. Let's move!" The scientist called out, still gazing at Melchior.

Suddenly, I turned my attention back towards Melchior and the scientist and I couldn't control my emotions any further so I growled loud enough to make the trees shake, releasing my wolf. No time to waste, I pushed through the branches that came my way, barely letting my feet touch the ground in the hopes of saving Melchior.

Jake's POV

To my horror I watched Luka run towards our enemy, exposing his wolf. I urgently needed to find who shot the tranquillizer before he shoots another at him too. I reached out the shotgun Luka left behind and aimed at the direction from where I last heard some faint shuffles in a bush to my left. Sure enough, I spotted her. I aimed and pulled the trigger, making a huge disturbance in the forest.

Melody dragged herself backwards in shock and I could feel her anxiety spiking through our special bond.

"What the f**k Jake," she grumbled beneath her breath, breathily. "You have both fucked us up now. They might figure where we are."

I turned to see what Luka has been up to and sure enough, he was growling in front of Melchior's unsteady body that was lying on the ground, as he was still trying not to give in to the tranquillizer. I aimed my gun at the guards that were now surrounding them, all wearing a green military-like uniform.

"I must call for backup," Melody said, almost standing up. I pushed her back down, holding her arm tightly.

"No, we are too close here. They will spot you. I can safely ask for more help."

Sure enough, since I was not as close to getting the message out through telepathy, I shifted and howled loudly for everyone at the packhouse to hear me. Within a few minutes, I could scent a couple of wolves nearing our site whilst I was already running towards a bunch of humans that were wearing a black military uniform. I was making sure they were dead, before leaping onto the next one, but my vision was blackened out by some bag that was brought over my face.

Melody's POV

"No," I screamed as I watched them take my mate into a large cage on top of a Hilux truck.

My body went numb for a moment, but then I got angry and I pushed myself forward, chanting some spells to protect myself from enemies approaching me.

The truck was already moving so I needed to act quickly before it was too late.

"Namya guir lauda mi cacura. Sam bim ra hi kuru an," I pointed my arms towards the truck, holding myself together.

The truck stopped moving forward as I broke the engine into pieces. I quickly rushed to Jake's side, chanting again to unlock the cage for him.


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