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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 10

It was a beautiful Friday afternoon and the sun was shining so brightly and lovely. Wright was at the back of the house mowing the grasses in the garden.

He had returned home from work earlier than usual today so as to spend some time with his daughter, Riona. He feels that it has been a long time since he had been home to welcome her back from school and so, he intends to do that today.

The school bus honked to announce Riona’s arrival from school. He left what he was doing and quickly washed and dried his hands on a towel as he wanted to be the one to personally open the door for Riona. After he was done with taking care of his hands, he left the garden to go open the door for Riona.

Wright was sure that this would be a surprise for Riona, and he so much desired to see the look of excitement on her face when he opened the door for her as she would not be expecting to meet him at home by this time.

In his excitement, he whistled as he entered the sitting room to go and open the door for Riona.

At the sight of her dad, Riona was surprised and at the same time was very happy to see her dad at home. She immediately jumped on him and he carried her.

“Hey dad good afternoon” Riona greets as she jumps on his body.

“Hello honey you are welcome back from school” Wright replied.

“You are home already. Is anything the matter?” Riona inquired.

“Aren’t you happy to see daddy back?” Wright asked.

“Of course I am. I would even want this to be a routine between us, I love it when you welcome me back home” Riona said in excitement.

“And I am glad to welcome my princess back home” Wright replied.

He gently placed Riona back on her feet and they walked into the house.

“So are you always going to be around when I come back from school?” Riona inquired.

“Hmn… let’s say I will always give you a princess welcome whenever I can spare some time to” Wright said.

“Really daddy?” Riona asked.

Riona was so excited to hear her dad make a promise to welcome her whenever he could and she silently prayed that it would be this way every other day.

“Yes Rio. What else makes me happier than to see the glow on my baby’s face?” Wright replied.

“That would be great dad. And nothing else makes me happy than seeing you around me. It gives me hope and some inner peace” Riona said.

“Talking about hope and some inner peace, what about I say we play games and watch movies the entire day, just you and I?” Wright suggested.

“Okay” Riona said as she tried to consider her dad’s offer.

“Come on Rio, don’t say no. tomorrow is Saturday and you aren’t going to school” Wright tries to persuade her.

“Of course I am not going to say no, my reply is a big yes” Riona exclaimed.

She finds it funny that her dad would actually think that she was going to say no when she would have given her all for this moment.

“So what do you say, would we do the movies here, or should we visit the cinema?” Wright asked.

“I would say been in-door would be just great. So I suggest we watch the movies right here, in our home and by ourselves” Riona replied.

“Okay, I vote for that too” Wright concurred to Riona’s suggestion.

“But right now dad, I am famished” Riona said and yawned.

“Is there something at home?” Riona asked.

“Sure there is. I made lunch already” Wright announced.

“That is great dad, let me quickly rush up to my room and freshen up. I will join you for lunch shortly” Riona said.

“Okay honey. I would be right at the garden by the time you return” Wright told her.

“In the garden, what are you doing there?” Riona asked.

“I am mowing the grasses” Wright responded.

“And why are you the one doing that, what about the gardener?” Riona inquired.

“Actually, I gave him the day off. I figured that since I would be home early, I could keep myself busy with that while awaiting your return” Wright explained.

“I see” Riona said.

Riona wondered why her dad would be going back to continue with his task at the garden if he intends to join her for lunch so she asked him about it so as to get some clarification.

“But if you would be in the garden, are we not supposed to do lunch together?” Riona asked.

“Yeah that is right. I never thought of it that way. Okay, let me quickly rush up with what is remaining and I would refresh up very fast I promise” Wright said.

Actually, Wright never averred his mind to the fact that he was supposed to join Riona for lunch and now he just has to be fast with mowing the grasses and quickly freshen up after that so as not to keep Riona waiting for long.

“Okay dad, I will wait for you” Riona responded.

Excitedly, Riona left Wright and she happily walked up the staircase while Wright in turn turned to go back to the garden to continue with his task.


It was already night and Riona and Wright were already done with playing different games. So right now, they are watching a movie in their sitting room over two packs of popcorn and some sodas.

They are both watching an investigative movie, where a serial killer had been responsible for the numerous deaths in town and the Police were on the lookout for him.

Rio looked at her dad as he consistently checked his phone to reply to his chat and messages. From the look of things, she could tell that those were not just some random chats and messages, and the thought that the messages might be from Maeve caused her to have a little tumbling in her stomach.

However, she tried not to make her suspicion and anxiety obvious as she would rather not discuss the issue since she believes that most things stop existing when you don’t give them the amount of attention that they crave for. So she hopes that by continuing to ignore Maeve and act like she never exists, her dad would soon forget all about her.

Riona was not even done with her thoughts when her dad called her attention.

“Rio” Wright calls.

“Yes dad” Riona responded.

“Riley was asking if she could come over to study with you” Wright said.


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