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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 25

Riona is inside her office. She is going through some documents and is so focused on her task. She picked up the intercom and put a call through to her secretary “Hey Mary please get me a hot cup of coffee right away” she said.

She dropped the phone and continued with her task.

Mary entered carry a tray containing the cup of coffee that Riona had requested for.

“Here is it Rio” Mary informed her.

“That is lovely Mary. Do place it on the table and leave” Riona instructed without looking at Mary.

Mary did as she was instructed and then she walked out of the office.

Riona took the cup and sips some coffee. “Tastes really nice” she whispered.

“I am already very hungry and if I don’t get done with this in time, I might as well collapse right here” She lamented and she takes another sip and the coffee.

She took her phone from the table and dialed Cindy’s number. It beeped thrice before Cindy picked.

“Hello Rio” Cindy said from her end.

“Cindy, I am hungry and I have got some jobs to finish here,” Riona said.

“Okay, let me just order something for you” Cindy offered. “What will you like to have?” She asked.

Riona did not really agree with Cindy’s suggestion so she suggested “I am hoping I could get done with this quickly and we could go have lunch in town”

“Okay, Rio. I will be ready when you need” Cindy said

Riona smiled “Good. Expect my call soon”

Riona hung up and in excitement, she continued with what she was doing.

Her phone started to ring but she ignored it even when she does not know that it is her dad that is trying to reach her.

When it had stopped ringing, she murmured “Whoever that was should hold on. I cannot afford the luxury of an extra time on a phone call at this very moment”

The phone rings for the second time, but just like the first time, she completely ignores it and went on with her task.

It stopped ringing and she inhaled in relief. “I will call back whoever that was once I am through with this” she muttered.

After a few seconds, she heard a knock at her door and she knew that it was Mary that wants to get her attention so she said “Come in already Mary”

Reluctantly, Mary enters the office and remained standing. She knew how busy Riona is at the moment and she hates that she was going to disturb her.

Riona saw that Mary was not saying anything and so she looks at her. Mary met Riona's eyes but hesitated to say anything.

“Speak on Mary, your presence is already enough distraction,” Riona said as she was aware that Mary's countenance was as a result of not wanting to disturb her.

“Or you might just leave if what you’ve got to say is not important” Riona added and continued with the task she was engaged in as she was just too hungry to engage in any

discovery games with Mary.

“So sorry, Riona. Actually, your dad had called to ask of you. He said he has called you a couple of times but you did not pick. I told him you are very busy and might be unable to attend to him right away but he insisted that I deliver the message to you immediately. And that is why I had to come here myself” Mary tried to explain the situation to Riona.

“So in sum, my dad called you to tell me to get back to him,” Riona said.

“Yes Riona, that is it” Mary responded.

“There was no need going through such a long episode, Mary” Riona said. “You can go now I will get back to him immediately”

“Thanks, Riona” Mary said and quickly leaves the office.

As Riona stretches her hand to take her phone so as to return her dad’s call, his call came in again and she quickly picks it.

“Hello, Rio, is that you?” Wright asked from his end.

“Yes, dad. Sorry I did not take your calls. I was so busy that I didn’t even look who the caller was” Riona apologized.

“Apology accepted dear. I want to come over to your office right now, can you spare me a few minutes from your tight schedule?” Wright requested.

“Okay, dad. Hope no problem?” Riona asked.

“Not at all dear, it’s just some discussions that I would have with you” Wright replied.

“I will be expecting, dad,” Riona said.

“Bye,” Wright said.

“Bye dad” Riona replied.


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