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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 6

It was the early hours of the day and Riona was still sleeping on her bed.

After a while, she slowly opens her eyes and she rubs her eyes with her hand. She got up from the bed and went into the bathroom to take her shower.

After her mum’s death, Riona has not been to school for the new session and the session has been on for about three weeks already. The reason is because of her lack of emotional control since she lost her mum two months ago.

Riona has always wanted to be in art class, but after her mum’s demise, she had changed her mind and decided to join science in senior high school so as to be able to read medicine.

She knows that if she is going to be accepted for the science classes she must have to work hard to be outstanding. This Riona is bent on achieving as she was not ready to take any chances. So she decided that no matter the condition of her emotional state, it was time she joined others in learning.

When she was done with bathing, she went to the wardrobe and put on her school wear. After that she walks out of her room and heads for the kitchen so as to quickly fix some breakfast for her dad and herself.

When she got into the kitchen, she quickly made some pancakes and after she was done with preparing the pancakes, she went to set the table. She then took the food to the table and went to get her dad.

Riona knocks on her dad’s door twice before she calls out.

“Daddy” Riona called.

“Rio, is that you” Wright replied from inside.

“Yes dad” Riona answered.

Riona opened the door and walked in. She finds him lying down on the bed. Riona had woken him up from sleep and so his eyes were still heavy.

“Still sleeping dad?” Riona said.

“Good morning Rio” Wright greeted.

“Good morning dad” Riona responded.

Wright took his phone and checked the time and it was 6:48 am. He looked at Rio and wondered why she was up so early and also dressed for school.

He got up from the bed as he tried to recall whether Riona had said anything about wanting to start school today, but he could not recall ever having such a conversation with her.

“Why are you up so early and why are you dressed for school already?” Wright asked.

“Dad, school has been on for three weeks already. I need to join them and I don’t intend to repeat classes” Riona replied.

“That is true Rio, but are you sure you are fully prepared to resume?” Wright asked.

“You see, I do want you to join your mates not just in school, but in every other sphere of life but I still want to make sure that you are ready for this” Wright explained.

“Trust me dad, I am. I may not be fully over mum, but I know that she would not want me locked up in this house all day long and I believe that I am ready for study. Actually, I think that is the only thing that I am prepared for right now” Riona replied.

“I get you Rio, and I must say that you made the right decision” Wright said.

“I already made breakfast, dad, for the two of us. So you have to freshen up quickly and join me downstairs” Riona announced.

Wright was tired and was still feeling a bit sleepy. He was not prepared to get up this early today, but for Riona, he was prepared to go right out of his way. But even with his resolution to do everything for Riona, he was still struggling to drag his leg.

“Okay” Wright replied as he walked lazily to his bathroom.

“You have to be a fast dad, remember you are taking me to school” Riona said.

“Alright dear, I will be down in a jiffy” Wright responded.

“I don’t want to be late on my first day” Riona said as she walked out of the room.

“I gave you my words” Wright replied.


Wright climbs down the stairs at a quick pace. He does not want to keep Riona waiting for him longer than necessary. After Riona left his room, he had taken just ten minutes to get ready as he knows how important today is to Riona and he would not want to spoil it for her.

“I am ready Rio” He calls.

He walked up to the dining table and saw that Riona was sitting on it.

“Are you not ready yet?” He asked.

“I am dad” Riona replied.

“Okay let’s leave already. Hope I did not keep you waiting longer than was necessary?” Wright asked.

“No dad, you were really fast” Riona responded.

He noticed that Riona was still seated at the dining table and was making no effort to get up for them to leave and he wondered why this was so.

“So, can we” He said, making some gestures with his hands as he pointed them to the door.

“We need to eat dad” Riona informed him.

Wright suddenly realized that there were two plates covered on the dining table. He had not taken notice of them when he first came. He thought Riona had taken breakfast while waiting for him.

“Really, you have not eaten yet?” Wright asked.

“Actually, I was waiting for you dad” Riona said.

“I did not even notice” Wright said.

He took a seat in front of his plate of food.

“Thanks for the meal Rio. That is so thoughtful of you” Wright said.

“Okay dad, you can open now, let’s start eating” Riona said.

They both opened their meal and started eating. When they were done eating, they got up and went out of the house.

Outside the house, Wright opened the door of the passenger’s seat for Riona and she entered the car. He went and opened the driver’s door, he got into the car, ignited the engine and started to drive.

“I am glad that you are going back to school again honey” Wright announced.

“I am too, dad. And I would like to take the online classes so as to meet up with the rest” Riona said.


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