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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 8

Wright’s wolf ran through the trees and along the bush paths. He tried so hard to hide from humans and animals alike. He knew the whole town so well and so it was easy for him to navigate through the town without being detected even in such a busy day and time. He also knows the possible places that the rogues would take refuge if they are in town and so he was heading for such places first.

Wright knew better than to come out as a werewolf. But for his daughter, he was ready to do even more. He could have come out in search of his daughter as a human, just that if he had done so, he would not have been able to easily detect either his daughter or the rogues and also, he would not have been as fast as he wanted to be.

In his adventure, he was almost caught a couple of times by passersby but he was fast enough to dodge leaving the onlookers believing that they had only been hallucinating about seeing a werewolf.

The wolf got to a lonely part and decided to keep to the bushes. As he walked, he felt that he was being trailed, not by humans, but by a werewolf.

At first, he was intrigued. He wondered if it was a rogue that was after him or if it was just a strolling werewolf. He knew that he had to be smart and also act very fast since he does not know the intention of his prowler or prowlers.

He knows that no rogue would dare to attack him physically as they know the stuff that he was made of. To get to him, the best that they can do is to go for those that are close to him, but they dare not attack him directly.

As he walked, he approached a bend in front. He made up his mind to take the left turn since he knew that the bend goes round in a circle and taking it would bring him to the back of his prowler. He sincerely hoped that his prowler would fall for this trick as that would place him at an advantage and give him a better chance to overtake the prowler.

Immediately he took the turn, he ran very fast and within a few seconds, he was the one walking behind his prowler who was unaware of his presence at her back.

For some reasons, he was unwilling to launch an attack on the intruder immediately. He wanted to know who it was that would dare to trail him and also fearlessly roving around by this time of the day.

Due to how discreet the werewolf was trying to be, he could not see the face at all but he could tell that it was a female werewolf. When he tried to take in her scent, he realized that she had also covered her smell. This made him strongly believe that it was a rogue trying to act undercover.

‘This must be one of the rogues’ he said to himself. ‘It is really going to be a bad day for her’

In anger, he lifted himself from the ground and pounced on her. She cried out in pain and swung to the ground.

‘There was something about this wolf, a sort of familiarity’ he said to himself. He maintained a firm grip on her but was unwillingly to pounce on her.

The werewolf was in fright, he could feel how fast her heart raced. She tried to avoid his eyes and he was sure that she was only trying to cook up a plan for a counter attack. Even at that, he was still unwilling to harm her. Instead, he used his pawns to drag her face to himself.

He paused and gazed at her.

*Maeve* he said through the mind link.

*Alpha* she responded.

He quickly released her from his grip and she got up.

*What are you doing out here by this time and in this form?* the both of them asked at once.

*Sorry you can talk* he said.

*No, I think you should go first* she responded.

*I came out to look for Rio. I just got the news from Philip that some rogues are in town* he said.

*But that is rather too risky Alpha. There is no need for you to come out in this form. We are on it already* she replied.

*I just can’t sit at home doing nothing. I have to get her myself. The rogues are here for her* he said.

*No there are all gone now. And Rio is safe* she announced.

*Really?* he exclaimed.

Wright was relieved to hear that no harm had happened to his daughter.

*Yes* she responded.

*And why would you move around this way, Maeve? It is dangerous* he asked her.

*Because of the rogues too. We have been on the look-out for them immediately we got wind of their presence* she replied.

*We have to get back now then* he said.

*Come on. Let’s just go home like this, as our wolf without shifting* she suggested.


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