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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 1046

At the dining table, Imogen ate silently, her mind tangled with conflicting emotions.

She knew she didn’t deserve Jasper. Yet, like anyone, she was drawn to beautiful things and captivated by remarkable people. She, too, desired wealth and power.

Her feelings for Jasper were genuine. But he was too dazzling, making her feel unworthy, timid, and afraid to entertain any thoughts about him.

It reminded her of middle school—feeling infatuated but overwhelmed by fear, uncertainty, and insecurity. Rejection and avoidance were the only strategies she knew.

After breakfast, Jasper offered to drive her to work, but she declined. Helpless, Jasper let her be, allowing her to do whatever made her comfortable.

After a long day at work, Imogen returned home in the evening. She was surprised to find several maids in the house. They greeted her respectfully when they saw her. "Good evening, Madam."

Imogen felt uneasy and overwhelmed by the formal atmosphere. She cautiously responded before quickly retreating to her room.

Just as she entered her room, her phone rang. It was Carol calling.

Carol's excited and shocked voice came through, "Imogen, did you know? Zoey's degree has been revoked!

"The principal of Norvania Aerospace Academy personally visited to apologize, admitting their mistake in the review process. They even offered you an opportunity for an exchange study at the academy."

Imogen stood frozen in disbelief. She wondered if she had heard Carol correctly. The truth about Zoey impersonating her and taking her place had finally been revealed.

She struggled to contain her excitement as she asked anxiously, "Weren't her parents really influential? How did this happen?"

"I was wondering the same thing. Whoever handled it did so effortlessly. It seems her parents were also punished!" Carol replied.

Glancing toward the door, Imogen heard the maids greeting someone. It seemed that Jasper had returned. She quickly said goodbye to Carol, hung up the phone, and walked to the door.

Chapter 1046 1


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