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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 116

Chapter 116 

Suzanne walked the two-hour journey back to Morrison Residence alone in the rain. By the time she reached her house, her entire body had grown weak. 

After showering, Suzanne went to sleep in bed before even drying her hair. Only sleep could stop her from thinking about Nathan. 

Suzanne didn’t leave the room nor felt hungry for the entire day. She woke up at midnight feeling really hot and uncomfortable. Only then did she realize she was ill. 

Suzanne was about to give Nathan a call when she saw Nathan had sent her a text. She quickly opened the messaging app. 

“I still love Sally,” Nathan wrote. 

Those four words pierced Suzanne’s heart like a sharp blade. 

Tears pooled in her eyes as she swiftly set her phone down. She turned her face upwards and wiped the tears that crept out of her eyes with her fingers. 

Suzanne inhaled deeply and held her breath. Yet even that inhale made pain lance through her chest, making her unable to hold bac her tears. 

Suzanne silently gnawed on her lip, her throat burning with the urge to cry. She restrained herself for a long while before the urge 


She wiped her tears and typed out a reply to Nathan. “I understand. We can get the papers filed whenever you’re free. Just let me know.” 

“I can divorce whenever you want. It’s up to you.” 

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Suzanne’s heart grew cold at those words. 

What did Nathan mean? She could leave whenever? It was up to her? What a jackass! 

Was Suzanne’s love so cheap? Should she not have wasted her time in this hopeless marriage? 

She switched off her phone and went to get some medicines. 

But the moment Suzanne’s feet touched the ground, her head swam. As her legs buckled forth, she fell right onto the floor. 

She hissed in pain as her hands slammed against the floor, pain shooting through her entire body. Tears fell from her eyes yet again. 

Suzanne’s body felt weak and pained, yet none of it compared to how much her heart was hurting. She felt hopeless in this pit of despair. 

Suzanne picked herself up before falling heavily onto the bed. She then covered herself in the blanket and continued sleeping. 

The medicine didn’t matter anymore. A woman suffering like Suzanne might as well end her own life in order to be liberated. 

Nathan walked out of the washroom in a new set of clothes. 

Sally had just finished deleting the messages she sent. She continued putting up the act of drying Nathan’s phone with a hairdryer. 

A cunning light shone in her eyes as she handed him the phone. “Your phone is still working fine, Nate. I’ve already dried it for you.” 

Nathan took his phone and looked through it briefly before putting it back into his pocket. 

“The housemaid was so careless. How could she have ended up bumping into you with that glass of water she brought for me? Oh 

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