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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 122

Chapter 122 

Under the shimmering glow of the white moon, its light pierced. through the tangled branches and spilled onto the balcony. 

In the dimly lit room, Suzanne tossed and turned restlessly before succumbing to sleep. Yet, her slumber was far from peaceful. 

Beads of cold sweat formed on her forehead as her breaths 

quickened. Within the darkness, she found herself lost and unable to discern her surroundings. The chilling wind scraped against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. 

Amidst the eerie silence, the voices of a man and a woman 

reverberated, their whispers akin to ghostly murmurs in the abyss. 

“Suzanne, save us! It’s so cold… Run away, Suzanne! Don’t look back!” their voices pleaded, wrenching at Suzanne’s heart with each 

desperate cry. 

Suzanne sprinted aimlessly through the pitch-black surrounding senses consumed by fear as an ominous presence loomed over 

The sinister voice echoed through the void like a haunting chant, “Kil her… Kill her, and the money is yours… Kill her!” 

A shadowy figure materialized before Suzanne, its malevolent gaze piercing through the darkness. Its bloodied hands reached out and wrapped around her throat, suffocating her in its terrifying grasp. 

In that instant, Suzanne’s eyes snapped open, and she hastily sat up in bed. Gasping for breath, she scanned her surroundings, finding solace in the familiar furnishings that surrounded her. 

As she looked out of the window, the morning rays greeted her, dispelling the remnants of her unsettling dream. 

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She couldn’t help but scoff at the absurdity of her dream. To think she had imagined her parents crying out for her help when, in reality, they only ever sought financial assistance from her. 

Feeling clammy from the cold sweat, Suzanne decided to freshen up. After tossing aside the covers, she retrieved a fresh set of clothes and made her way to the bathroom. 

Half an hour later, she emerged in casual wear and ready to face the day. 

As she descended the stairs, she caught snippets of Sally’s voice and stopped in her tracks. She looked over to find Sally and Florence engaged in conversation in the living room. 

“You mustn’t do such a reckless thing again, Sally. How could I face your grandparents if anything happened to you?” Florence implored. 

Sally flashed a reassuring smile “Don’t worry, Mrs. Morrison. I won’t do anything dangerous again. Besides, Nate has been keeping me company these past few days. He’s really lifted my spirits.” 

Florence lamented, “It’s all Vera’s fault. She shouldn’t have those two together when they clearly aren’t in love. Otherwise of you would be suffering like this.” 

However, Sally replied in a hushed voice, “I don’t think Grandma intended for this. I believe she’s been manipulated.” 

Florence hesitated before giving an awkward smile, refraining from speaking ill of Suzanne behind her back. 

Spotting Suzanne on the stairs, Sally raised her voice and declared, ” Nate told me he’s only treating me like that out of concern for 

Grandma’s health. Once Grandma passed away, he plans to file for a divorce and take me as his wife.” 

“We all know that’s the truth, yet you continue to put yourself in 

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harm’s way,” Florence sighed. 

“Not anymore,” Sally reassured with a grin. 

Florence gently held Sally’s hand and gave it a reassuring pat. She said, “Let’s be patient. However, it wouldn’t be fair to Suzanne if we prolong this any further.” 

Sally furrowed her brow at her remark. “That can’t be. Nate will make things right for her.” 

Florence let out a heavy sigh. “I just hope he handles everything properly.” 

Unbeknownst to Florence, Sally’s eyes gave away her displeasure. Given their limited interactions over the past ten days, she hadn’t expected Florence to sympathize with Suzanne and speak up for her. 


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