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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 141

Chapter 141 

The next morning dawned with radiant sunshine as Suzanne waited 

by the hospital entrance. It wasn’t long before Sienna arrived, her 

breath heavy from exertion. 

“Sorry, Suzanne, I’m late,” Sienna apologized, hands on her knees as she gasped for breath. 

Suzanne quickly reached out to support her. “I got here too early. You 

don’t have to rush.” 

As Sienna caught her breath, she glanced at the imposing hospital building and asked, “Are you sick?” 

Suzanne shook her head. 

Once Sienna had gathered herself, she asked in a low voice, “Then why did you ask me to meet you at the hospital?” 

Leaning closer, Suzanne whispered, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. “I want to check if my past illnesses have recurred. I didn’t dare to come alone, so I wanted you to accompany me.” 

Sienna was momentarily surprised, her gaze locking onto Suzanne. 

Suzanne, feeling a touch of awkwardness, lowered her head and hesitantly revealed, “I’ve been married for a few months. My husband is aware of my medical history, so he refrained from touching me until yesterday…” 

Sienna paused, incredulous. “You’re married?” 

Suzanne affirmed with a nod. 

Sienna’s disbelief was evident. “So, your husband suddenly wants 

intimacy, and you’re coming to visit the gynecologist?” 

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Feeling as if she had been caught red-handed, Suzanne glanced around before nodding. 

Sienna’s expression darkened as she silently observed Suzanne. She then let out a heavy sigh before firmly pinching Suzanne’s nose. 

Suzanne widened her eyes in surprise. “What are you doing?” 

Sienna released Suzanne’s nose and commented without hesitation,” Your nose is natural, no implants.” 

Next, she pinched Suzanne’s cheeks and inspected her teeth. “No veneers. All your teeth are real.” 

Finally, she gave Suzanne’s chest a push. Startled, Suzanne stepped back, crossing her arms over her chest with extreme embarrassment. “What’s going on?” 

Sienna’s tone remained sincere, her voice unwavering. “Your chest might not be large, but it’s soft, and it’s real.” 

Suzanne looked at Sienna with disbelief. 

Sienna held Suzanne’s gaze earnestly. “I’m sorry. Actually, the first time I saw you, I knew you weren’t Suzanne.” 

Hearing Sienna’s confession, Suzanne was left dumbfounded. 

With a heavy heart, Sienna lowered her head, her words tinged with remorse. “I was desperate for money to save my dad. When you claimed to be Suzanne and offered to help, I appreciated it and genuinely wanted to be friends. But deep down, I knew you weren’t Suzanne.” 

Nervously, Suzanne reached out to grab Sienna’s hand and asked in a cautious tone, “I’ve done two DNA tests at reputable hospitals. They couldn’t be wrong. Why are you so sure I’m not Suzanne?” 

Looking up at Suzanne, Sienna’s clear eyes were brimming with tears. 


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