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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 173

The kiss felt like it lasted an eternity, leaving Suzanne's lips and tongue ached from the intensity. She gasped for air as she pushed Nathan away, fearing the kiss might render her breathless.

Summoning all her strength, Suzanne pressed against his chest, slowly breaking the kiss. Nathan reluctantly released her. Both of them panted as their foreheads met, their warm exhalations mingling in the heated atmosphere.

His voice, deep and magnetic, resonated, "I have to return to the camp tomorrow. Come with me."

Suzanne was taken aback, her heart racing with nervousness and uncertainty. Nathan had just returned, yet here he was, speaking of departure again.

Nevertheless, she understood his demanding schedule, brimming with responsibilities at the military base and beyond. She knew well he couldn't be tethered to home forever. For a man like Nathan, even a single day off was a rare luxury.

Florence had mentioned how Nathan had been making more frequent visits since their marriage, which was a stark contrast to the months of absence before.

Although she yearned to be by his side, Suzanne had to prioritize her quest to uncover her true identity and wait for the DNA report in a week.

"I can't go with you for now," Suzanne murmured.

Nathan offered a bitter smile, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead before letting her go.

As Suzanne's feet met the ground, she felt weak with her hands still clinging to his chest.

"Just call me whenever you're ready. I'll send someone over to pick you up," Nathan responded.

Suzanne nodded, her heart weighed down with emotion.

Nathan tried to restrain his desires as he tenderly ran his hand through her hair. "I'll be leaving early tomorrow morning."

"I'll see you off." Suzanne looked up at him, her eyes glistening with moisture.


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