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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 175

Suzanne lowered her head with a smile on her face as she replied, "Okay."

Nathan let out a sigh of relief. Though he was reluctant to end the call, there was a meeting in progress.

"If there's nothing else, I should go," Nathan said.

A wave of disappointment swept over Suzanne. "Would he really end the call after just two minutes? How did other long-distance couples manage to talk for hours, or even half a day?" she pondered.

But she soon realized that those conversations were reserved for couples deeply in love. There was no such affection between her and Nathan. Even if he had the time, he wouldn't indulge in romantic exchanges with her.

"Alright." Suzanne's voice carried a hint of sadness as she murmured softly, "Bye."

With the call ended, Suzanne set her phone aside and turned to gaze out the window, a mixture of uncertainty and longing swirling within her.

"Would Nathan send someone to pick me up tomorrow?" Suzanne wondered, a glimmer of hope flickering in her heart.

The following day arrived. Suzanne rose early, got ready, and prepared for Nathan's call. She waited at home and occasionally glanced outside to see if a vehicle from the military base had come to fetch her.

But as noon approached, Nathan's call remained absent. Instead, Suzanne was surprised by the arrival of Sally and Oliver with a handful of gifts.

Even if the Morrison family didn't favor Sally, they would still warmly welcome them because of Oliver.

They were the people Suzanne wanted to see least, so she slipped away to sit by the pool in the garden, quietly waiting for someone from the military base to pick her up.

As time ticked by, Suzanne grew tired of sitting and started pacing by the poolside, her heart filled with anticipation.

"I never thought I'd lose to you," a familiar voice sounded behind Suzanne.

Turning around, she saw Sally, her arms crossed, striding toward her with an air of arrogance. Sally's sharp gaze was filled with venomous hatred.


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