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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 179

Cole and Lucas rushed to restrain Loretta, preventing her from getting closer to the pool. Sally's desperate struggles in the water were chaotic, far from the movements of a proficient swimmer.

"Help me! Nate, I can't swim!" she cried.

Hearing the screams, Oliver, who was on the second floor, hurried outside the balcony. Startled by the commotion, he quickly rushed to the scene.

Nathan stood silently at the pool's edge, observing Sally's floundering with an unsettling calm. Despite her frantic efforts, she had yet to sink.

Loretta's tearful pleas for help from the butler and Oliver echoed through the air.

As Oliver rushed down, Lucas restrained him.

"Nathan, have you lost your mind? Sally can't swim. You need to get her out of there!" Oliver's voice thundered with rage, the veins on his neck bulging. "Are you trying to kill her?"

Equally distraught and furious, Loretta begged, "Nate, please save Sally. She's in trouble. She can't swim!"

Nathan remained unmoved, his demeanor icy and resolute, his gaze fixed on Sally as she struggled. He seemed unaffected by the cacophony of pleas and shouts around him.

Soon after, the butler arrived. But he was held back by Cole, who prevented any further intervention.

As Loretta sobbed uncontrollably, Oliver's voice resounded with rage. "Are you sacrificing Sally for Suzanne? She's your beloved, your childhood sweetheart. How could you become so heartless?"

Nathan spoke calmly, addressing Lucas. "How long has it been?"

"15 minutes, General Morrison," Lucas replied.

As a doctor, Oliver seethed with frustration at Sally's plight.

Was she irrationally afraid of death or simply out of her mind? She could just hold her breath and sink. Didn't she trust that Nathan would save her?


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