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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 19

Chapter 19 

Nathan was stunned. He looked into Suzanne’s bright, round eyes. Tears were welling up in 

her eyes

He felt a sense of unfamiliarity. At the same time, he didn’t understand why she was upset. So, he felt a little irritated

What’s wrong?” 

Suzanne turned away from him and quickly wiped away the tears

She calmed herself down and said, It’s evening right now. All of your family members should be at home. I’ll head in first. Stand at the door and listen to what happens.” 

She stepped out of the car after she said that. She walked into the house without waiting for Nathan

As soon as she walked in, Suzanne met the butler, Edgar

Edgar was about 50 years old. He was very stoic and quickwitted. He quickly snapped back to his senses after his initial shock

Welcome, Mrs. Morrison. You’re just in time. Dinner is about to start,Edgar said politely

Suzanne could tell Edgar was only polite to her because of his professional ethics. Everyone in the household was prejudiced against her

Thanks,Suzanne replied politely before walking in

In the middle of the luxurious living room, everyone in the Morrison family was seated around a sevenfootlong coffee table. They were happily chatting. The atmosphere was very peaceful

Mom, Dad, good evening” 

The sound of Suzanne’s voice destroyed the peaceful atmosphere

Suddenly, everyone went quiet. Everyone stared at Suzanne coldly

She felt a chill run down her spine and her skin crawl. She was anxious and felt lost. She wanted to greet the rest of the inlaws, but someone spoke up and drowned her voice out

Honey, who is this? Who is she calling mom and dad?” 

Her? She’s the caregiver who lives in Shovale and takes care of Grandma. I don’t know how 


much she brainwashed Grandma. She managed to make Grandma force Nathan to marry her by threatening to kill herself. Did you forget? She came to live with us for a few days last month.” 

Oh, so that’s who she is. I completely forgot.” 

You’re so forgetful. A cunning and shameless woman like her is truly hard to forget.” 

post. He is also righteous and has such outstanding achievements. But his marriage has been tainted by such a dirty and despicable woman.” 

I feel so sad for 

Nathan. He holds such an

You’re absolutely right. A woman like her is not good enough to be a maid, much less a wife. Her existence is a stain on our household.” 

Edgar, send my food to my room if she’s living here. I don’t want to dine at the same table as her. She makes me lose my appetite.” 

Everyone took a jab at her without consideration of her feelings. They ridiculed her before the elders and children

Suzanne clenched her fists. She was shaking from the anger. Tears were welling up in her eyes from her frustration, but she used every bit of her willpower to hold back the tears

The humiliation she felt when she just moved in was even worse. Back then, she believed Vera’s words. She thought the feeling was mutual between her and Nathan

She endured the torment from his family members for love. She thought at least Nathan loved her


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