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The wrong Woman novel by Ginny Not Genie novel Chapter 793

Gloria turned and went back into the kitchen.

Sienna glanced toward the balcony where Daniel was. She couldn't help but rest her chin on her hand, watching him quietly. Emotions began to slowly fill up her heart as she watched him.

Daniel went to sit down at the dining table after finishing his call.

After serving Sienna the soup, Daniel said, "Don't blame Gloria. I'm the one who insisted she make more than just one meat and one vegetable dish for you each meal."

"I didn't blame her," Sienna responded as she lowered her gaze. She accepted the soup he offered and said, "Thanks."

Sienna had always been the one who took care of others, including herself. It felt a bit unreal when she was suddenly being looked after by a man like this.

His action was touching, and she didn't know how to express it.

After serving himself some soup, he ate gratefully. He softly asked, "Do you have any plans this afternoon?"


"Then spend the time with me."

Sienna was taken aback.

Daniel smiled faintly and said, "Don't worry. I'm just going to bring you to meet my parents."

Sienna responded softly, "Sure."

After lunch, Sienna rested in the living room.

Daniel went into the study. After a while, he came out with a bank card in his hand.

The moment he handed it to her, Sienna stared at him, a bit bewildered.

Daniel knew she had a strong sense of pride and was reluctant to manage his assets or spend his money.

Thus, he prepared an excuse. "This is our joint account. From now on, you'll be in charge of it."

"A joint account?" Sienna asked.

"From now on, if you want to buy furniture or anything for the house, just use the money in this account."

Upon hearing that the money was for their home, Sienna calmly took the card he handed her.

"Let's go to my parents' house," Daniel said, holding her hand.

Sienna stood up and looked down at her casual outfit. She said, "Is it okay to dress so casually?"

"We're family, so it's not a big deal."

Chapter 793 1


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